Agenda item



An application had been received for a new premises licence at the Sneyd Arms, 1 The Village, Keele, ST5 5AD. A representation from a member of the public had followed in relation with the licensing objectives of public safety and prevention of public nuisance. The applicant attended along with their partner and their representative. The local resident objector was also present. All parties expressed their view.


The sub-committee carefully considered the reports and what had been said at the hearing. Both parties had notably offered to work with each other and environmental health services to ascertain where the vibration was coming from and to pursue a mutually agreeable solution going forward.


It was highlighted and understood that if a solution could not be reached and noise nuisance continued to affect the neighbouring premises, the option to return the matter to the sub-committee by means of a review was available to the local resident and environmental health.


Taking into account the guidance and the legislation it was agreed to grant the licence under the conditions specified below.


Resolved:     (i) That the Premises Licence be considered in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003, the statutory guidance and the Council’s own Statement of Licensing Policy the Sub-Committee having regard to the four below licensing objectives:


-       the Prevention of Crime and Disorder;

-       Public Safety;

-       the Prevention of Public Nuisance;

-       the Protection of Children from Harm.


(ii) That the Premises Licence be granted subject to:


-       the conditions agreed with Staffordshire police;

-       the noise plan being incorporated into the operating schedule;

-       the door into the store room being kept closed at all times except when passing through to the cellar area;

-       the cellar area not being used for any licensable activity or admitting any members of the public at any time;

-       live music and recorded music only being permitted in the Knight Templar Bar between 12:00 noon and 23:00 hours.





Supporting documents: