Agenda item

Staffing Committee


The Committee considered a report regarding the Staffing Committee that had been agreed in principle by Full Council on 11 July 2012. The report sought the views of the Committee in order to inform the Leader and the Chair of Transformation and Resources to finalise the details of the Committee.


It was felt that as accountable Members, Members should be making decisions. It was not intended to take away day-to-day functions from officers. The Employees Consultative Committee would remain unchanged except that reports would be received by the Staffing Committee and not the Executive Management Team.


The functions of the Committee were listed under section 2.6.1 of the report. This list was not exhaustive and it was felt that members of the Committee had the expertise to embellish the list. The list under section 2.6.1 stressed the range of policies to be reviewed.


Some Members did not agree with the decision to have a Staffing Committee and questioned the lack of scrutiny on the matter.


Members questioned whether the Staffing Committee would convene after training had been undertaken, how long this training would take, who would conduct the training and in what form the training would be. It was questioned whether the Council could be open to a legal challenge if the Staffing Committee was set up and operational without training. This question related in particular to section 2.6.3 of the report. If policies were to be amended then this would be quasi-judicial and training would be required. It was confirmed that there would always be a solicitor present at meetings and that training could be provided by West Midlands Councils which already provided training at councils with Staffing Committees. It was confirmed that this training would be free of charge through the annual subscription the Council paid to West Midlands Councils.


Members questioned point 9.1 of the report that ‘it is intended to meet the needs of this Committee out of existing resources’. They questioned whether there was risk associated with this and if a formal risk assessment was required. It was still considered that the Staffing Committee’s needs would be met from existing resources but the point regarding a risk assessment would be taken on board.


The Chair asked the Committee for further comments with regard to the in principle decision to have six Members on the Staffing Committee and questioned what the frequency of the meetings should be. The Leader confirmed that they would be happy to look at the number of Members on the Committee and there could be negotiation as it was an in principle decision. With regard to the frequency of the Committee meetings, these are set down in the constitution, but had not been agreed for the new committee and would be discussed by the Transformation and Resources Scrutiny Committee. Members questioned what the frequency of the Employees Consultative Committee was. It was confirmed the Committee met quarterly and Members felt it would be appropriate for the Staffing Committee to mirror the ECC and meet quarterly too.


Some Members made clear that they had no view as they disagreed with the decision made at Full Council.


RESOLVED:                        That the Chair of Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Leader of the Council confirm membership and meeting frequency of the Staffing Committee.



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