To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council on the activities and decisions of Cabinet and items included on the Forward Plan.
The Leader presented the statement that had been circulated and provided an update on the activities and decisions made by himself and the Cabinet to allow questions and comments.
The Walleys Quarry’s report referred to would be shared with the Economic Development Scrutiny Committee as well as the Health and Partnership Scrutiny Committee. About Newcastle-under-Lyme 850 Celebrations, Staffordshire County Council and the Synectics Solutions would be respectively sponsoring the Community Champions Awards and the Young Heroes Awards.
Questions were raised by members as follows.
On Paragraph 2 – Walleys Quarry:
- Cllr Brown expressed her disagreement with the use of the word ‘consistent’ in a recent press release issued by the company to refer to records of improvement in light of the spikes of odour still felt by residents. As there is now only £100,000 reserve in case further legal action is required against £1 million previously set aside Cllr Brown asked officers to confirm there was enough to take any necessary action to hold Walleys Quarry accountable and take them to Court in the event of a breach of the abatement notice.
- Cllr Whieldon wished the leader to confirm that the enhanced communication taking place with the company was working efficiently to reassure the population that everything was being done to solve the problem.
The Leader confirmed that the company would be held to account and that an officer report was awaited at the end of the standstill period in March.
On paragraph 3 – the 850 celebrations:
- Cllr Gorton asked that the relaunch of Newcastle Civic Society that was disbanded in 2020 be considered as part of the borough important legacy, and for a meeting to be organised on that topic. Cllr Gorton also wished that Josiah Wedgwood be incorporated in history talks scheduled as part of the celebrations for his work as MP and notably leading the opposition to the bill designed to absorb Newcastle into Stoke.
- Cllr G. Williams expressed her concern over the County Council plans to build 100 houses on Wallfields Avenue which forms part of the borough Green Heritage Network and wished the leader to use his influence to make sure all sites on the list are protected.
- Cllr J. Williams asked the Leader to comment on the alteration of the borough’s crest in the celebrations’ logo.
The Leader welcomed the idea of supporting the relaunch of the Civic Society as well as including Josiah Wedgwood in the celebrations, to be passed on to the Museum staff and discussed with heritage champion Simon White.
About the planning application the Leader shared his opinion that the planning committee should fight the appeal and reminded the Council of the cross party heritage panel that met 18 months ago allowing members to share their view.
Finally the Leader confirmed that the logo created for the celebrations was indeed just for the latter and that the borough’s crest would remain in use for all other Council business.
Cllr Jones shared his initial scepticism followed by genuine enthusiasm over a 850 years’ celebration and wished to draw the Council’s attention to the work of veterinary surgeon Thomas Mayer as well as the Harper & Keele veterinary school – declaring a late interest, being an employee of the latter.
The Leader welcomed the comment and any other suggestion in relation with the celebrations.
On paragraph 4 – Urban Trees Planting Programme:
- Cllr Stubbs wished to know if the programme would cover the replacement of trees damaged by antisocial behaviours.
- Cllr Adcock shared his satisfaction and optimism over the programme which he qualified as a very positive step.
- Cllr Hutchison asked the Leader to confirm the new programme would make a positive difference for the Sandy Lane site compared to the previous one.
The Leader responded to Cllr Stubbs that the tree management plan would need to be consulted as trees are not always replaced, weather conditions being one of the factors to be considered. The Leader thanked Cllrs Adcock and Hutchison for their comments and confirmed that fundings had been put aside for the Sandy Lane site.
On paragraph 5 – Future High Street Fund Update:
- Cllr Brockie wished the Leader to confirm that what was undertaken for Ryecroft and York Place was under continuous review and would remain affordable and responsive to residents and businesses’ needs.
- Cllr J. Williams asked if the Council would have a say on ownership issues.
- Cllr Gorton commented on the inclusion of a multi storey car park and a hotel as part of the regeneration of the town centre and wished the leader to confirm that a report accompanied by business cases and comprehensive data would be submitted to the Economy & Place Scrutiny Committee so that the latter can assess the actual contribution these would bring to the town centre.
The Leader confirmed that the projects were indeed all subject to review by the Economy & Place Scrutiny Committee.
On paragraph 6 - Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy:
- Cllr Crisp referred to an Ordnance Survey research showing that 24% of households don’t have access to off street parking, making the charging of electric vehicles difficult; Cllr Crisp wished to know if there was any plans to address the issue.
- Cllr Adcock asked if the Leader agreed that the Midway car park would be untenable as it would not be able to meet the increasing demand for electrical vehicles charging points.
The Leader responded that the two points raised would indeed be addressed as part of the strategy and that government support should be sought as well.
On paragraph 7 - Staffordshire Wide Climate Change Communication Plan:
- Cllr Panter wished to know what measures were taken to ensure that small businesses were engaged in the outlined efforts to promote sustainability and reduce carbon emissions.
The Leader responded that a Net Zero Carbon reduction plan would soon be made a requirement by the government and the Staffordshire Business Environment Network was there to help businesses achieve that. A database of useful contacts was also made available for businesses and the Council tax builder would include tips on how to reduce carbons emissions and increase energy efficiency.
On paragraph 8 – Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner – Safer Streets Round:
- Cllr Parker wished to know if the Council was planning to involve the Street Pastor Scheme and St John’s Ambulance to triage people and ease the pressure on Accidents & Emergencies.
The Leader handed over the response to the Portfolio Holder who confirmed the Council would be looking into involving other organisations and took the opportunity to invite members to volunteer for Safer Spaces for women.
* * *
There were no comments or questions on paragraph 9 – the Forward Plan.
Resolved: That the statement of the Leader of the Council be received and noted.
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