Agenda item

Introduction and Review of the Committee's Work in the Previous Year

Please find enclosed an updated work plan for this Committee and a covering report to accompany it.  Paper copies will be provided at the meeting.


The Council’s Executive Director of Regeneration and Development provided the Committee with a verbal introduction and review of the Committee’s work in the previous year by reference to the work plan. An updated version of the work plan was distributed at the meeting.


The Economic Development Strategy would remain on the work plan, with an update expected at the end of Quarter 3.


The Committee considered Local Enterprise Partnerships, which coordinate business across Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire through such initiatives as Regional Growth Fund Programmes. It was difficult to keep up with developments and it could be too large a topic for scrutiny to undertake. However, a working group could be set up to scrutinise in more detail. There was a possibility that the working group could work with officers. Members questioned what other Councils were doing with regard to LEPs. Staffordshire County Council and Stoke-on-Trent City Council had previously briefed the Cabinet with their progress. The emphasis was mainly on the County and City Councils through roads, the Local Education Authority and skills. It was currently not known what was expected of Newcastle Borough Council and where the Council fitted into the equation.


Members questioned whether Newcastle’s business rates would go to other areas in Staffordshire. This was still to be confirmed, but Newcastle could stand to benefit from a proportion of the business rates collected. Central Government were preparing a new model for Staffordshire with incentives to promote growth and therefore increase rateable values, which in turn would generate more income. It was stressed that the Council had a public accountability that LEPs did not as they were private sector led and that this Council should represent the public interest. Due to the huge sums of money involved, Members felt it was important that there was a dialogue with Members with regard to LEPs.


The Borough had not been successful in obtaining an Enterprise Zone, and it was still felt that there were issues to be addressed. The emphasis was on the Council to approach the LEP with suggestions and creative ways to fund infrastructure and receive something back from Government.


The Committee resolved to set up a working group consisting of Councillor Matthews, Councillor Peers and Councillor Studd. A summary paper was requested of progress to date, and the working group would meet if required.


Broadband provision would remain on the work programme as an ongoing scrutiny topic.


It was confirmed that a report regarding HS2 would be considered by Cabinet at its meeting in July.


A report was expected towards the autumn for the proposal to jointly commission a viability assessment with Stoke-on-Trent City Council for the Community Infrastructure Levy. Members noted that caution would need to be taken with regard to CILs, so as not to deter potential businesses or developers.


The Staffordshire Strategic Property Review and Town Centre Partnerships Development and Initiative would remain on the work plan, and were on the agenda to be discussed later in the meeting. 


The Asset Management Strategy had been approved and was on its way to being implemented. When the strategy was refreshed in the future it could be a significant scrutiny topic for the Committee.


An additional meeting of the Committee had been arranged for 28th June 2012 to consider Knutton Recreation Centre and the Former St Giles and St Georges school building.


The review of the Home Improvement Agency Services was expected to come to the Committee in November. This service was currently provided by Revival, but options would be reviewed including a county wide service or the Borough Council standing alone to provide the service.


RESOLVED:                        (a) That the information be received.


(b) That a summary paper regarding LEPs be provided to the LEP working party.



Supporting documents: