Agenda item

Workplans for the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and the Health Scrutiny Committee


The Chairs of the individual scrutiny committees updated the Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee by reference to the work plan, and provided further information on scrutiny topics as necessary.


The Chair of the Active and Cohesive Communities Scrutiny Committee provided an update on the work plan. The Review of Grants and the Third Sector Commissioning Framework had been agreed in principle by Cabinet. With regard to Kidsgrove Sports Centre, work was to begin shortly on the repairs required to the roof. 


The Chair of the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Scrutiny Committee provided an update on the work plan. The Waste and Recycling Strategy would hopefully be bought to the Committee for its September meeting.  It was hoped there would be an update on the Carbon Management Plan at each meeting. The topic of policing in Kidsgrove was to be broadened out to other areas within the Borough. This was supported by Members who explained that there were problems with policing in rural areas, in particular with police being lost to other areas. It was possible that the Cleaner, Greener, Safer Committee would not proceed with scrutiny of Skip Fees, Heavy Traffic Enforcement and Take Aways.


The Chair of the Economic Development and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee provided an update on the work plan. A working group had been established for Local Enterprise Partnerships. This working group would receive a summary paper on LEPs and meet if required. It had been resolved that the HS2 working group should meet before the next Cabinet meeting. Councillor Cairns had replaced Councillor John Williams, who was now a member of the Cabinet and not eligible to sit on scrutiny committees or working groups. The former St Giles and St George’s school building and Knutton Recreation Centre would be considered at an additional meeting of the Committee on 28 June 2012. The Empty Homes Strategy should come to the Committee in December.


The Chair of the Transformation and Resources Scrutiny Committee provided an update on the work plan. It was suggested that a working party could be set up to scrutinise the Financial and Performance Management Report. An update was expected at the next meeting with regard to Flexible Working for Borough Council Employees.


The Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee provided an update on the work plan. An additional meeting of the Committee had been scheduled for 19 July 2012 to consider the Consultation on Mental Health Issues. The Coordinating Committee had received a request from the Active and Cohesive Communities Committee to consider the best way to scrutinise the Health and Well Being Strategy. The Chair of Active and Cohesive Communities felt it would be best for the Health Scrutiny Committee to retain this, as a report from the Council’s Head of Leisure and Cultural Services regarding the strategy had previously been received by Health Scrutiny. It was suggested that a task and finish group could be set up to consider the strategy. As Health Scrutiny was only a small committee, it would be prudent to include members of the Active and Cohesive Communities Committee on the task and finish group, with four or five Members considered a sensible membership. There was concern amongst Members regarding infant mortality rates and the data being provided. According to the data the infant mortality rates would appear to be decreasing. However, the format of the data has changed considerably and Members felt rates were higher than what the data said. Members had requested infant mortality data by ward and cause of death. Currently, there were problems establishing the reason for high infant mortality rates.

RESOLVED:                        That the information be received.



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