To follow.
Responses to the three submitted questions would be forwarded to all Members by the relevant Portfolio Holders.
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To The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing – Cllr Gill Heesom
Can the Portfolio Holder update the Council on the impact of the new Town Centre Marshalls on reducing anti-social behaviour?
Cllr Andrew Parker
It’s early days as the pilot project is only on week 3 of delivery but I’m pleased to report that already we’re seeing a really positive impact on the town centre. We’ve had contact from a number of local businesses and members of the public reporting improvements to their perceptions of feelings of safety in the town centre and less incidents reported through to us involving rough sitters and street drinkers. Officers will continue to monitor the pilot over the coming months, both the statistical information and the softer intelligence from business and the public to inform Cabinet and make recommendations for the continuation of the service.
To The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing - Cllr Gill Heesom
Can the Portfolio Holder outline the number of complaints received about anti-social behaviour in the town and how many individuals have been excluded from the town centre by the use of Community Space Protection Orders?
Cllr Barry Panter
In terms of the Town Centre area (inner ring road, covered by the CCTV systems) there have been the following antisocial behaviour (ASB) complaints received and recorded by the Council:
August 14 (comparably the Police received 90 complaints during the month)
September 4
October 12
November 7 (as at 16/11/21)
The number of notices/warnings/exclusions in the (inner) town centre actioned by Newcastle Borough Council were:
August 2
September 3
October 2
November 0 (as at 16/11/21)
The number of complaints received demonstrates a considerable sense of under reporting of ASB incidents to the Borough Council, despite our best efforts to encourage reporting by the public and the businesses community.
Information and community intelligence is extremely important in enabling us and our partners to co-ordinate the response to issues in our town centre, so we would encourage everyone to continue to actively report all incidents of ASB through to the Police via their Facebook page or on 101 (or 999 in an emergency). It would be helpful if you could also report incidents through to the Council’s Partnerships Team on 01782717717 and via the email
To The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth - Cllr Stephen Sweeney
Following on from the positive External Audit Report to the Audit and Standards Committee earlier this month, can the Deputy Leader update the Council on the latest position regarding the signing off of the 2020/21 Statement of Accounts.
Cllr Paul Waring
I can confirm that the Audit Opinion was received on Tuesday 23rd November which has enabled the Statement of Accounts to be signed off. The auditor has given the Council an unmodified opinion, this opinion is expressed when the auditor concludes that the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
The audit opinion and audit findings reports are the most positive that we have received in respect of the Statement of Accounts in recent times.
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