Agenda item

Work Plan

To discuss and update the work plan to reflect current scrutiny topics.


The work plan was considered by the Committee and items suggested for the forthcoming municipal year.


It was felt by members that the Committee needed to see planned numbers of efficiency savings such as reserves and borrowing plans in order for them to be scrutinised. This would go hand in hand with budget scrutiny and therefore a scrutiny brief would be required for the next Committee meeting.


The Chair proposed that training on the budget be conducted at the next meeting of the Committee for the benefit of Members. Members emphasised that learning about the content of the budget rather than the process would be most beneficial. The Council’s Head of Revenues and Benefits would liaise with the Chair of the Committee to discuss this.


The Portfolio Holder for Communications, Transformation and Partnerships informed the Committee that a report of budget options was being considered and if implemented would come to this Committee for consideration. This report would provide options for picking the budget and would show what the consequences would be if a certain option was chosen. Preferences could be given by committees and fed back to the Cabinet. The public could also get involved with the budget options.


The Kidsgrove ‘One Stop Shop’ was raised by Members, in particular criticism of its customer service. The Police were scheduled to move into the ‘One Stop Shop’ and members questioned how this would be approached. The public had fears and concerns regarding these issues which needed allaying. There could be issues with Customer Services that go beyond the problems with the Kidsgrove ‘One Stop Shop’. A scrutiny brief for Customer Service was requested for the next meeting.


The Committee had undertaken a review of the constitution in the previous municipal year through a working group and the constitution had been adopted for a short time. As part of the review the Chair had written to all Members of the Council as they had felt they had not had enough time to consider the changes. Only one piece of feedback was received as a result of the Chair’s communication. Officers confirmed that the Constitution would hopefully be adopted by Full Council at its 11th July meeting. It was felt that the constitutional review should be an ongoing topic for the Committee through the Working Group. It was a living document that should be kept under review, especially as large areas of the constitution had not been looked at yet. Officers informed the Committee that there would be work on the indexing side of the document with the aim of creating an interactive, electronic Constitution. Members noted that a search facility would be beneficial for finding specific areas of the Constitution if there was an electronic version. It was also felt it should be one whole document, not split into many documents.



RESOLVED:            (a) That a scrutiny brief for the budget be provided

      at the next meeting


(b) That that training on the budget be provided at the   

      next meeting of the Committee


(c) That a scrutiny brief for Customer Service be brought

      to the next meeting


                                    (d) That the Committee continue to review the

Constitution through the working group set up in the   last municipal year


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