Agenda item


This item includes a supplementary report.  


The Committee considered a report on the outcome of consultation on the proposed extension to Newcastle Crematorium grounds and development of adjacent land off Chatterley Close. 


The Chair advised that the Committee was also requested to consider a petition that had been submitted to the Council with approximately 1700 signatories as follows:


“Newcastle Borough Council want to build on the only green space in Bradwell available for community use. Bradwell has approximately 6000 residents and an already full to bursting infrastructure.

The council wants to sell the land to a housing developer to expand the Crematorium and pocket a residual £1.2 million for the council.

This petition is to object this land being built upon and needs to be retained as a local community green space. Why build on green space in a time we are supposed to more environmentally friendly? Why not redevelop brown sites? This green space is well used by all age groups of the community.

There are also so many social and economic issues connected to this development, not just environmental. Bradwell is a densely populated area of Newcastle-under-Lyme with heavily congested roads, no medical facilities, poor public transport, social deprivation but they want to build more houses and take away the only green space there is.


The masterplans objectives are

- Provide an extension to the Crematorium grounds incorporating new access, parking and a burial ground

- Re-provide existing play elements

- Redevelop the remainder of the site for housing

The plan is a money making scheme for the council at the cost of the residents of Bradwell. If the Crematorium needs an expansion to include a burial ground maybe the council need to build another cemetery. The only expansion proposed is burial grounds and a car park. This is a front to sell this land to developers for the councils financial gain. Please sign and support.”


A local resident attended and addressed the Committee in support of the petition. 


There had also been over 150 individual responses to the consultation. 


In discussing the report and issues raised, the Committee discussed:

- requesting the highway authority to undertake a traffic survey to identify any measures to address and improve traffic issues in the area;

- requesting that Cabinet work with existing local groups and organisations to identify any possible areas of compromise for example whether there can be a reduction in the capital receipt so that it only generates sufficient funding to cover the crematorium extension and public open space provision;

- asking Cabinet to directly engage with residents on the issues raised through the consultation process in recognition of the difficulties in responding to a consultation during a pandemic;

- that confirmation be sought on the position regarding the existing 7 sites of green space mentioned during the consultation.

During the debate the Committee was advised that there were no plans for the 7 sites mentioned other than remaining as open space.  It was also confirmed that the new MUGA would provide a range of facilities.  The consultation process was outlined but the Committee was also reminded that consideration by this Committee was part of the ongoing process of consultation.  The capital receipt would be used for the extension and development works as well as contributing to the 10 year Capital Programme approved earlier in the year at Council.  Reference was made to the planning process and the safeguards that were built in as part of any development proposals. 


RESOLVED: that the comments made at the meeting be forwarded to Cabinet for consideration.  


(Note: with the permission of the Chair, Councillor Fox-Hewitt addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor.) 



Supporting documents: