Agenda item


This item includes two supplementary reports.


Councillor Northcott, who had declared an interest in this item, took no part in the discussions and abstained from voting.


Resolved:                 A.        That, subject to the applicant first entering into a

Section 106 agreement by the 13th January 2021 to secure a travel plan monitoring fee of £2,443 (index linked) and a review mechanism of the scheme’s ability to make a policy compliant financial contribution of £5,579 for each family home, and £4,933 for each older persons accommodation that is provided (index linked) towards public open space nearby and, if the development is not substantially commenced within 12 months from the date of the grant of the planning permission, and the payment of such contribution if then found financially viable,


the application be permitted subject to the undermentioned conditions:-


(i)         Time limit for the implementation of Phase 1, the

submission of applications for approval of reserved matters and the commencement of development. 

(ii)        Approved plans

(iii)       Construction environmental and traffic

management plan for the full and outline applications

(iv)       Prior approval of a scheme for the 25% provision of

affordable housing units within the development. The scheme shall include the timing of the construction for the affordable housing, arrangements to ensure that such provision is affordable for both initial and subsequent occupiers and the occupancy criteria to be used for determining the identity of prospective and successive occupiers of such units and the means by which such occupancy will be enforced.

(v)        Facing and roofing materials to be in accordance

with approved plans for Phase 1

(vi)       Boundary treatments to be in accordance with

approved plans for Phase 1

(vii)     Provision of access, parking, turning and servicing

areas for Phase 1

(viii)    Surfacing materials, means of surface water

drainage and delineation of the parking bays for Phase 1

(ix)       Implementation of Travel Plan Framework

(x)        Dwellings on Audley Road not to be occupied until

TRO has been implemented

(xi)       Prior approval of a tree protection plan

(xii)     Reserved matters application to include

replacement tree planting

(xiii)    Prior approval of a surface water drainage design

(xiv)    Prior approval of a foul drainage plan

(xv)     Waste and storage collection arrangements

(xvi)    Sound insulation of facades of properties facing

Audley Road.

(xvii)   Noise mitigation measures in accordance with the

submitted acoustic report

(xviii)  Overheating mitigation where required.

(xix)    Assessment of noise from kitchen extraction and

other equipment in the supported living apartments

(xx)     Control of noise and odour from kitchen facilities in

the supported living apartments

(xxi)    Submission, with reserved matters application, of

an assessment of the impacts of noise arising from the Red Lion public house

(xxii)   Electric vehicle charging

(xxiii)  Land contamination conditions

(xxiv)Land contamination investigations and mitigation


(xxv)  Reserved matters application to include wildlife and

habitat enhancements

(xxvi)No commencement of development until a Stage 1

Road Safety Audit of the proposed scheme to widen Gibson Grove carriageway has been approved.  The highway works to proceed in accordance with the approval.

(xxvii)Provision of accesses and visibility splays in

accordance with the approved plans prior to the development being brought into use.

(xxviii)Prior approval of layout, surfacing materials, and

surface water drainage.

(xxix)Alignment of utility apparatus

(xxx)Arboricultural Method Statement (detailed)

(xxxi)Schedule of works to retained trees

(xxxii)Approval of landscaping proposals

(xxxiii)Replacement tree planting to be undertaken with at

least as many trees that are removed and that the replacement trees be semi-mature.

(xxxiv)Provision of gates in accordance with approved

plans for Phase 1 and retention for the lifetime of the development.


B.        Failing completion of the above planning obligation

by the date referred to in the above recommendation, that the Head of Planning either refuse the application on the grounds that without the obligation being secured,  there would be no provision made to take into account a change in financial circumstances in the event of the development not proceeding promptly and the potential payment of an appropriate policy compliant contribution for off-site open space should financial circumstances then permit; or, if he considers it appropriate, to extend the period of time within which the obligation can be secured.


Supporting documents: