Agenda item


To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council on the activities and decisions of Cabinet and items included on the Forward Plan.


The Leader, Councillor Simon Tagg submitted a report which provided an update to Members on the activities and decisions of the Cabinet, together with the Forward Plan.


The statement was taken a paragraph at a time to allow for questions to be asked. 



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Councillor Maxfield asked how the budget consultation process would be taking place this year.


The Leader advised that it would be carried out as last year, by online consultation.  There had been 103 comments so far.  The consultation would be promoted on social media. 



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Councillor Proctor welcomed that the Council now had a Commercial Strategy and the benefits that would follow and requested an update.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency, Councillor Sweeney advised that an investment advisor had been appointed and a report was expected by the end of the year.


The work would be led by the new Executive Director - Commercial Development and Economic Growth, Simon McEneny.



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Councillor Burnett advised that the Kidsgrove Sports Centre Community Group were pleased with the recent site visit that had taken place and they looked forward to working with the Council.  Members were advised that the number of Trustees would increase from six to nine.


It was reported that a number of enquiries had already been received for block bookings and there had been some enquiries from swimming groups.


Councillor Paul Waring stated that plans were moving forward and there were firm proposals for the sports centre and pool.  He urged all Members to continue to support the group.


Councillor Robinson stated that the Cross Party Working Group had proved very helpful and he asked the Leader if a report would be going to the Full Council meeting in January 2020 in connection with the borrowing of funds for the project.


The Leader thanked Members for their comments and stated that there was a lot of work to be done to firm up the proposals which he hoped would be brought to the Full Council meeting in January, 2020.


Also in January, 2020 the Cabinet would look at the proposals and there would be a further Kidsgrove Sports Centre Refurbishment – Cabinet Panel meeting early in the new year.



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Councillor Panter asked when the Council would begin to install vehicle charging points in the Borough.


The Leader advised that the Council had been successful in obtaining £780,000 funding to enable the roll out of CCTV.  A report would be brought to the December Cabinet meeting.


Councillor Gary White welcomed the initiative stating that it had been discussed at the Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee and he looked forward to it coming into fruition.


Councillor John Williams raised concerns regarding the cleanliness of the Midway car park and asked the Leader when the structure would be decorated and CCTV upgraded.


The Leader welcomed the comments stating that it was important to have the Car Parking Strategy in place.   The comments regarding the Midway would be taken on board.  The long term future of the car park would also be considered.



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Councillor Brian Johnson stated that Stoke on Trent City Council had reported a shortfall of 230 of ‘move on’ properties.  He asked if Newcastle currently had a shortfall of ‘move on’ properties and whether Stoke on Trent’s shortfall had been considered in the proposed joint strategy and what impact Stoke on Trent’s shortfall would have on services in Newcastle.


Councillor Hutton asked for an update on the outreach work helping those having to sleep rough.


Councillor Shenton asked for an update on the number of rough sleepers.


The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing, Councillor Jill Waring advised that the current arrangement with the City Council would expire on 31 March, 2020  and officers were working to recommission the service.


The last count of rough sleepers had revealed 9 individuals which was an increase on last year.  A number of those persons had moved across from Stoke on Trent.


Members were advised that rough sleepers were counted every eight weeks at 4am.  The next count would take place in January 2020.


Councillor Holland stated that the commissioning of services with the City Council was important as there were cross-border issues.


Councillor Stubbs asked the Portfolio Holder if the first question a rough sleeper should be asked was what their hierarchy of needs was.


Councillor Brian Johnson requested a written response to his question.


Councillor Pickup asked if figures were available for rough sleepers in the surrounding villages.


The Leader advised that the figures available were for the Borough but a check would be made and Members would be informed.  In respect of Councillor Stubbs’ question the Leader stated that there was a need to know why they had come to Newcastle in order to find out the best ways of supporting them.



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Councillor Panter commented that, as Champion he had liaised with the Royal British Legion, Tri Services and SSAFA and had received a positive response. 


Councillor Brian Johnson welcomed this and stated that he would like to see the same done for the blue-light services.


The Leader stated that he would take Councillor Johnson’s comments away for consideration.



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Councillor Parker asked for an update on the town centre CCTV.


The Leader stated that, following the call-in work had begun and was progressing well.  Site visits had been carried out to look at the proposed locations.


New cameras had been ordered and they would be installed in January, 2020.  Recording would commence in April, 2020.  Until that date, the existing system  would continue operating.


Councillor Robinson asked for an update on the Ryecroft site.


The Leader advised that there was a backstop date of Spring 2020 and nothing could be done until then.  However, the council was working with the developer and the County Council to look at residential and a business based scheme. 

Councillor Wright asked for an update on the Markets and was advised that this would be covered in detail later in the meeting.



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Councillor Heesom commended the Cabinet for protecting the Council’s green spaces and asked if the Leader would confirm that funding for this was brought in from outside of the Authority.


Councillor Julie Cooper welcomed that stumps had been put around Wolstanton marsh advising that there had only been the one incident there this year.


Councillor Reddish asked the Leader for a progress report on areas still needing attention.


The Leader thanked Councillors’ Heesom and Cooper for their comments and advised that the incidents on Wolstanton Marsh had fallen from 5 or 6 in previous years to just one this year.  The Police had moved them on.


Money for the stumps had come from outside the Authority, from the Police and Crime Commissioner and from County Council and LAP funding.


The Leader thanked officers for their work adding that the measures were working and eviction times were being brought down.


The Leader appreciated the concerns with The Butts and Howard Place.  The Butts had wooden stumps installed recently and Howard Place had been put into the work programme to be done before next Spring.


Councillor Robinson asked if there had been any progress with the Joint Local Plan – providing a new site for travellers and, if so, where it would be placed.


Councillor Brian Johnson referred to the previous meeting and asked if any consultation had taken place with official groups representing travellers.


The Leader made reference to the permanent traveller site in Cemetery Road, Silverdale and added that in the Local Plan there was a need to increase the number of places and negotiations would need to take place.




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Councillor Northcott declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussions.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency, Councillor Sweeney praised Aspire for their hospitality at a recent meeting. 



Councillor Sweeney added that he had reported a flooding issue which had been promptly resolved.


Councillor John Williams welcomed the initiative and asked the Leader if Aspire could be invited to a future meeting to explain their policies as more information was required.


The Leader thanked Members for their positive comments adding that there would always be issues of concern.  Residents approach Councillors with matters that affect Aspire so it is therefore good to work together.



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Councillor Fear asked the Leader for an update on garden waste collections and asked if cases of fly tipping had fallen across the Borough.


The Leader stated that in previous years there had been over 1000 fly tipping incidents.  The Council was now into its ninth month of charged garden waste collections and fly tipping cases have dropped significantly.


Officers would continue to monitor the situation but it appeared that the scare stories put around that fly tipping would increase because of charging for garden waste collection have been found to be untrue.


Councillor Pickup asked if one of the reasons for the overspend was the corporate management posts and whether it was provided for with the interim posts.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency, Councillor Sweeney would issue a written response to this question.





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