Agenda item



Consideration was given to a report informing Members of the report and recommendations made by the Task and Finish Group on Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing; the Government’s response and recommendation and The Department for Transport’s proposed statutory guidance for Licensing Authorities.


The Council’s Licensing Administration Team Manager, Matt Burton advised Members that this was an information item providing an update of the current position.


Members’ attention was drawn to Appendix A of the report which outlined the 34 recommendations of the Task and Finish Group


Members attention was also drawn to the other documents, outlined in paragraphs 2.3 and 2.5 to 2.7 of the report.


Councillor Robinson stated that, what the Government was consulting on was quite welcome and that the laws did need improving, It was good that ‘out of area’ working and safeguarding issues were being tackled.  Councillor Robinson referred to the English test and asked how this would be monitored.


Mr Burton advised that the Guidance Document was still in draft form at the moment.  It would be up to each individual Authority as to what standard of English was necessary.


With regard to out of area working, the Government are looking to legislate to stop people being licensed in a Council area where they have no intention to work.


Councillor Cooper stated that the documents made reference to having a understanding of the Highway Code.  Members were advised that this was a pre-requisite of the DVLA driving test.  However, Newcastle are hoping to introduce a new Knowledge Test which would include elements of the Code.


Councillor Sweeney advised Members that some taxi drivers (Hackney)  were negotiating prices with customers rather than having their meter running and asked what the law was on this.


Mr Burton stated that it depended upon the final destination in that, if the taxi is hailed in the Borough and staying in the Borough, the meter should be running.  If they give a price, that is what they must charge, even if the amount is exceeded.  However, if the amount is less, that is the fare that should be charged.  To ensure this is correct, the meter must be running .


Councillor Panter enquired about the requirements for wheelchair accessible vehicles.


Mr Burton confirmed that any new Hackney Carriages had to be wheelchair accessible but there were no specifications to cover electric/manual wheelchairs. 


Councillor Gill Williams asked what the recommended hours were for a taxi driver.  This was governed under other legislation, with no set hours but the Government were looking to legislate this.


Councillor Waring enquired what standard of CCTV would be in the vehicles, how the information would be stored and if it would be part of the taxi test?


Mr Burton stated that drivers did not have to have it but it would be of benefit to them.  It would be included in our new Policy and any drivers who did have it would be asked to produce it if asked.


Resolved:     That the contents of the documents be noted.

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