Agenda item


Report to follow


(a)  That officers be authorised to take all the necessary steps to introduce a flat rate charge of £1 for all town centre car parks after 3pm at the earliest opportunity  (by no later than 1 December 2018)

(b)  That officers be authorised to take all necessary steps to implement a variation to the current Traffic Regulation Order to establish short stay pay and display in respect of the spaces on the former Civic Offices forecourt (Merrial Street) at the earliest opportunity (by no later than 1 March 2019)

(c)  That officers, in liaison with the relevant Cabinet Member, be authorised to engage with the Newcastle Business Improvement District with a view to implementing the following:


(i)            A BID supported Permit parking arrangement targeted at BID members on the basis described in the report.

(ii)          To enable discounted town centre parking on up to five occasions in any financial year on the basis described in the report and;

(iii)         To facilitate free parking on all town centre car parks from noon to 8pm on the 2018 Christmas lights switch-on.

(iv)         To give free parking on all town centre car parks from 3pm to 8pm on up to five late night pre-Christmas shopping events.

(d)  That officers take steps to promote the sale of Permits to medium to large size businesses and organisation (minimum 20 employees)

(e)  That officers be authorised to take all necessary steps to introduce parking charges on the town centre car parks on Bank Holidays at a flat rate of £1 with effect from no later than 1 April 2019.

(f)    That officers continue to promote “Pay by phone” on all appropriate town centre car parks.

(g)  That officers be authorised to explore through consultation with local partners the potential for establishing Pay on Exit arrangements on key town centre car parks (particularly The Midway MSCP, Goose Street and King Street) and to report back the outcome at the earliest opportunity.

(h)  That officers be requested to monitor the impact of the above proposals (particularly (a) to (f), and be asked to report back by no later than 1 February 2020 so that Members can review future approaches.

(i)    That officers, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s) report back by no later than summer 2019 with a 10 Year Parking Strategy for the town centre, taking account of any comments or suggestions made by the Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee and including the following matters within the Strategy (not an exhaustive list):

·        To engage with the Highway Authority to explore the potential for enabling greater traffic movement within the town centre and provision of short term parking

·        To review options for introducing more convenient (cashless) payment methods for car parking charges and

·        To explore the potential for collaboration with University Hospital North Midlands with a view to achieving accessible and affordable parking to serve the needs of the hospital (staff and visitors) and minimise the adverse impact of on-street parking on local communities.

(j)    That this matter be referred to the Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee for its comments and any suggestions to inform the proposed 10-year Strategy.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Efficiency presented this report which reviewed options for modifying the management and operation of the Councils town centre car parks with the aim of increasing usage and encouraging footfall to improve the town centre economy and stabilising income for the Council. The initiatives had been developed in consultation with the Newcastle under Lyme Business Improvement District.


Resolved:    (a)       That officers be authorised to take all the necessary steps to introduce a flat rate charge of £1 for all town centre car parks after 3pm at the earliest opportunity (and by no later than 1 December 2018)


                        (b)       That officers be authorised to take all necessary steps to implement a variation to the current Traffic Regulation Order to establish short stay pay and display in respect of the spaces on the former Civic Offices forecourt (Merrial Street) at the earliest opportunity (by no later than 1 March 2019)


                        (c)       That officers, in liaison with the relevant Cabinet Member, be authorised to engage with the Newcastle under Lyme with a view to implementing the following:


(i)           A BID supported Permit parking arrangement targeted at BID members on the basis described in the report.

(ii)          To enable discounted town centre parking on up to five occasions in any financial year on the basis described in the report and;

(iii)         To facilitate free parking on all town centre car parks from noon to 8pm on the 2018 Christmas lights switch-on.

(iv)         To give free parking on all town centre car parks from 3pm to 8pm on up to five late night pre-Christmas shopping events.


(d)          That officers take steps to promote the sale of Permits to medium to large size businesses and organisation (minimum 20 employees)


(e)          That officers be authorised to take all necessary steps to introduce parking charges on the town centre car parks on Bank Holidays at a flat rate of £1 with effect from no later than 1 April 2019.


(f)           That officers continue to promote “Pay by phone” on all appropriate town centre car parks.


(g)          That officers be authorised to explore through consultation with local partners the potential for establishing Pay on Exit arrangements on key town centre car parks (particularly The Midway MSCP, Goose Street and King Street) and to report back the outcome at the earliest opportunity.


(h)          That officers be requested to monitor the impact of the above proposals (particularly (a) to (f), and be asked to report back by no later than 1 February 2020 so that Members can review future approaches.


(i)           That officers, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s) report back by no later than summer 2019 with a 10 Year Parking Strategy for the town centre, taking account of any comments or suggestions made by the Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee and including the following matters within the Strategy (not an exhaustive list):


·                    To engage with the Highway Authority to explore the potential for enabling greater traffic movement within the town centre and provision of short term parking

·                    To review options for introducing more convenient (cashless) payment methods for car parking charges and

·                    To explore the potential for collaboration with University Hospital North Midlands with a view to achieving accessible and affordable parking to serve the needs of the hospital (staff and visitors) and minimise the adverse impact of on-street parking on local communities.


(j)            That this matter be referred to the Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee for its comments and any suggestions to inform the proposed 10-year Strategy.

Supporting documents: