Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:-That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


Land to rear of Old Post Office, Main Road, Betley 17/00919/FUL


The Working Party had no objections to the proposal, but expressed concern about the proposed use of Anthracite Marley tiles, wishing Clay tiles to be used, and recommended that there be control over the type of timber treatment to be used on the building


Barclays Bank, High Street, Newcastle 17/01009/FUL


The Working Party   had no objections to the application


Former Savoy Cinema, The Midway, Newcastle 18/00005/FUL


The Working Party objected to the proposal. They considered the development to be too tall and too bulky, whilst welcoming the introduction of brick within the elevations of the building. The development would by virtue of its height and bulk and design would have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and the setting of Listed Buildings within the Conservation Area, namely the Guildhall and St.Giles’ Church


3 Station Drive, Keele 18/00027/FUL


The Working Party had no objections to the proposal in terms of its impact upon the building as a heritage asset, but they did express concern about the design of the window and door proposed on the rear elevation


26 Church Lane, Wolstanton18/00041/FUL


The Working Party objects to the proposal because of the loss of the frontage wall involved and the adverse impact of the parking and turning area upon the setting of this group of buildings which make a positive contribution to the Wolstanton Conservation Area


The Arnold Machin, 37 Ironmarket, Newcastle 18/00053/ADV


The Working Party expressed concern about Sign A on the Ironmarket elevation considering it to directly conflict with and fighting the architectural details of the entrance onto which it is proposed to attached. With respect to the lanterns the Working Party considered them to be somewhat fussy and emphasised the need for an affixings of these lanterns to be in mortar courses rather than directly into masonry. With respect to the signage proposed on the Queens Gardens elevations it was suggested that the individual lettering should be attached to a single rod rather individually affixed to the building, and any affixing should be in mortar courses rather than directly into. With respect to the Queens Gardens elevations the degree of high level illumination proposed was considered to be excessive and  contrary to the appearance and character of the Town Centre Conservation Area.


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