Agenda item



Consideration was given to a report advising Members on the completion and outcome of the public consultation on the ‘Strategic Options stage of the Joint Local Plan.  Also to provide an update on the plan-making process and to seek the support of the Planning Committee to go out to public consultation on the Preferred Options consultation document in line with the adopted Statement of Community Involvement.


The Council’s Planning Policy Manager, Mrs Helen Beech gave a presentation to Members in respect of the Joint Local Plan Preferred Options Consultation Document prior to members being asked for their comments.


Councillor Hambleton asked if more supported and up to date evidence had been received as a site in Clayhanger Close was now included which had previously been deemed unsafe.


Mrs Beech stated that this was a consultation document with preferred sites going out to consultation. If anyone felt that any sites were not appropriate, the reasons should be made known to officers and the information would be taken into consideration.


Councillor Reddish thanked Mrs Beech and her team for the work that had been carried out.  In addition, Councillor Reddish stated that more information was required on a Masterplan for travel for the proposals in Keele.


Councillor Reddish also stated that the University site was not developing as quickly as people had expected and asked, if this was an issue, how would the masterplan be affected and would there be a lot of unsold houses?


Mrs Beech agreed that some transport modelling was required and stated that the Local Plan needed to be accompanied by a Masterplan.  One had been commissioned but was still ongoing.  The Local Plan would also need to be accompanied by an Infrastructure Delivery Plan.


With regard to the University site, Plans were fully set out in the ‘Keele Deal’ which would see significant expansion of the University site.


Employment land needs to be made available so that jobs can be provided.  It makes sense to provide housing in a location that has strong links with the Science and Innovation Park.  The houses that would be provided would not entirely be for the University workforce although it would provide the opportunity to live nearby.


Councillor Naylon thanked Mrs Beech for the work that had been done on the document and raised concerns regarding the transport situation in Keele.  In addition, Councillor Naylon, referring to the Keele Golf course site, asked if we had to go to the Secretary of State to have land taken out of the Green Belt as a whole or would just portions be taken out?


Members were advised that the boundary would be changed through the Joint Local Plan and it would have to demonstrate, at examination, that there were exceptional circumstances to do so. 


The proposed Keele development would cover three sites, not solely the golf course.


Councillor Northcott wished to see a firmer commitment for the ageing population in respect of ‘step down’ properties – people moving into more urban locations.  There is a need to let people know that we will listen to their concerns.


The Chair thanked Mrs Beech and her team for their work undertaken.



Resolved:       (i)       That the responses to the consultation exercise carried out on

the Strategic Options Consultation Document, as detailed in the Strategic Options Consultation and Responses Document (Supporting Document 1), & summarised in the draft Preferred Options Consultation document, be noted.


(ii)      That it be recommended to Cabinet to approve the publication

of the draft Preferred Options Consultation document (Appendix 1)  for public consultation purposes, in line with the methods of consultation set out in the adopted Statement of Community Involvement.


(iii)     That a report be submitted to a subsequent meeting of the

Committee on the results of the Preferred Options public consultation exercise, as part of the next stage of the Joint Local Plan process – Draft Plan late Autumn 2018.


Supporting documents: