Agenda item


To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council on the activities and decisions of Cabinet and items included on the Forward Plan.


The Leader submitted a report providing an update to Members on the activities and decisions of the Cabinet together with the Forward Plan.


Members asked the following questions on the Leader’s Statement:


Waste and recycling


Members asked the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Recycling about missed collections.  Councillor Johnson explained that there was a computer problem  in that the smaller vehicles had not got the same system as the larger ones but the two systems were being looked at to bring them together.


The Leader commended the Portfolio Holder on his work and  informed Members that a review of the Service was now underway.


The Guildhall


Councillor Mancey asked the Leader about the future of the Guildhall.  The Leader stated that it was the only premier Council owned building in the town centre and considered that the Council should keep control of the building, renting out space.  Potential uses needed to be explored.


Newcastle Market


Councillor Wright asked the Leader if there were any plans to improve Newcastle Market.  The Leader advised members that last Autumn a decision had been made to bring in a private contractor in the hope of improving the facility and that the new management arrangement should be in place by April.


Kidsgrove Sports Centre


Councillor Dymond enquired about monies ring-fenced for the reopening of Kidsgrove Sports Centre and where the money had actually come from.  The Leader advised that it was the money that had been left over when it had closed.


The community group’s plans were that the   Centre would start by opening with the ‘dry’ side facilities and dependent upon its success, look at bringing the pool into use.


The equipment from the fitness suite had been stored so that it could be brought back into use.


The Council, in partnership with the County Council would be looking at ways of enabling the building of a new facility within a five to ten year period.


The Cabinet intends to bring an update report to its 23 March meeting.


Castle House


Councillor John Cooper enquired about the position regarding Castle House.


The Leader informed members that the County Council would not take the building on until works had been completed. The Leader supported this decision.  Each day that the Council remains within the Civic Offices, any costs which were being incurred would be met by the contractors.


Councillor Pickup stated that a justification for moving was to save costs and whether with the delay, the Council would recover the costs.  The Council’s Executive Director for Regeneration and Development would do a written response to all Members.


Councillor Turner referred to Kier’s proposals for installing the replacement cladding materials and questioned whether they had arrived yet as he understood that they were custom made and there would be a lead in period. The Executive Director for Regeneration and Development would do a written response to all Members on this.



At this point, the meeting had been in session for three hours.  Members took a vote, agreeing to continue for a further thirty minutes.



Cabinet meeting 7 February, 2018


Councillor Gardner asked the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources about how mixed age couples who were currently receiving council tax relief would be affected when Universal Credit is rolled out.  The Portfolio Holder would do a written Response to all Members.

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