Agenda item



Resolved:      (A)       That, subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 obligation by 12th November 2017 securing the following:


  1. A management agreement for the long-term maintenance of the open space on the site
  2. A contribution of £132,976 (on the basis that the development as built is for the full 65 units and of the type indicated), towards the provision of education places at Madeley High School 

   iii.        Unless an equipped play area is provided on site, a contribution of £5,579 per dwelling to improvements to the Burntwood Play Area; or on other nearby sites, that can be accessed safely and are within an appropriate walking distance, in conjunction with the Parish Council

  1. Provision of 25% of the dwellings on-site as affordable units
  2. Travel plan monitoring fee of £6,430


The application be permitted subject to the undermentioned conditions:


(i)        Standard time limits for submission of applications for approval of reserved matters and commencement of development

(ii)       Reserved matters submissions

(iii)      Approved plans

(iv)      Development permitted is for 65 dwellings maximum

(v)       Contaminated land

(vi)      Construction hours

(vii)    Construction management plan addressing environmental and highway safety issues

(viii)   Approval and implementation of design measures to secure appropriate internal and external noise levels

(ix)      Waste storage and collection arrangements

(x)       Reserved matters submission to include layout specific Arboricultural Impact Assessment

(xi)      Reserved matters submission to include details, on the layout plans, of root protection areas of all trees to be retained.

(xii)    Reserved matters application to be supported by a Stage 2 Road Safety Audit.

(xiii)   Reserved matters application to include details of amendment to the 30mph speed limit.

(xiv)   Reserved matters application to include details of internal road layout, including details of surface water drainage and surfacing materials.

(xv)     Residential Travel Plan.

(xvi)   Full details of a 2m wide footway along the site frontage and extending beyond the site, and footpath to Kestrel Drive, and implementation of the above

(xvii)  Details of proposed boundary treatment and alignment of utility

operations to ensure that retained trees are not adversely affected.

(xviii)Schedule of works to retained trees which shall include the better

quality trees from the mature group identified as T39-T72 if the layout


(xix)   Visibility splays

(xx)    Foul and surface water drainage scheme

(xxi)   Any reserved matters application to broadly comply with the Design and Access Statement in respect of the location of the dwellings and open space.

(xxii)  Approval and implementation of mitigation measures to avoid an adverse effects on Burntwood Site of Scientific Interest, as recommended by Natural England

(xxiii)Recommendations of Phase 1 Habitat Survey to be complied with

(xxiv)Archaeological evaluation

(xxv)  Dwellings to be 2 storey with 2½ storey dwellings only at key nodes

(xxvi)Any other appropriate conditions as recommended by the Highway Authority


(B)       Should the matters referred to in (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above not be secured within the above period, that the Head of Planning be given delegated authority to refuse the application on the grounds that without such matters being secured the development would fail to secure the provision of a play area and adequately maintained public open space, appropriate provision for required education facilities; an appropriate level of affordable housing; and measures to ensure that the development achieves sustainable development outcomes or, if he considers it appropriate, to extend the period of time within which such obligations can be secured.












Supporting documents: