Agenda item



Resolved:              1.         That, subject to


A) the applicant entering into section 106 obligations where appropriate by agreement by 31st August – or, if they are willing to similarly extend the statutory period, by 30th September - that secure a financial contribution of £1,199,396 towards public open space and public realm improvement (including to the subways to Grosvenor roundabout); the agreement and implementation of a landscaping scheme involving tree thinning and landscape works, including paths, to the Lyme Valley Parkway boundary immediately adjacent to the site; and sums relating to highways and transportation matters of:- £2,245 or such sum as is appropriate, towards Travel Plan monitoring; £50,000 for residential street parking surveys and implementation of car parking zones if deemed appropriate; £10,000 for Real Time Passenger Information displays (and maintenance) at the bus stops on London Road; £5,000 for bus shelter upgrades; and £25,300 towards local cycle network improvements from Newcastle Town Centre to Keele University and the provision of introductory bus passes, and


B) subject to any required notification under the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009 being undertaken first,


The application be approved subject to the undermentioned conditions:


(i)         Time Limit for commencement.

(ii)        Plans.

(iii)       Prior approval of all external facing materials including

doors and fenestration and exterior parking and pedestrian hard surfaces.

(iv)       Precise window detailing showing indentation and


(v)        Implementation of submitted landscaping scheme and

detailed landscaping scheme approval for Lyme Valley Parkway which is to include large tree specimen standards to give immediate impact.

(vi)       Revised boundary treatments (wood fencing being considered inappropriate).

(vii)      Refuse and storage collection arrangements including

revised bin storage position for Block 1.

(viii)     The occupation of the development shall be restricted to

full time students only.

(ix)       Highways matters:-

a.    Full signal control details approval and implementation.

b.    Off-site highways works for:-

·        pedestrian improvements to Lyme Valley Road.

·        improvements to the existing pedestrian refuge on

Brook Lane to   accommodate the Lymebrook cycle path.

·        access, parking, servicing and turning.

c.    Surfacing, delineation of bays and means of surface water drainage for internal road and parking areas.

d.    Car park management scheme approval and


e.    Implementation of the Traffic Regulation Order on London Road.

f.     Temporary parking scheme for 64-116 London Road approval and implementation pre commencement.

g.    Secure weather proof parking for 253 cycle spaces approval and implementation.

h.    Full implementation of the submitted Travel Plan.

i.      Prior approval and implementation of a Construction

Method Statement.

j.      The approval and implementation of a traffic

management scheme/residents parking zone for Hatrell Street and Stubbs Gate prior to first occupation.

                        (x)        Approval and implementation of a Construction

                                    Management Plan.

(xi)       Ventilation provision for habitable spaces.

(xii)      Hours of construction.

(xiii)     Cladding cleaning arrangements

(xiv)     Noise survey mitigation measures.

(xv)      Prior approval and implementation of detailed drainage


(xvi)     Land contamination treatment.

(xvii)    Approval and implementation of a site drainage


(xviii)   Detailed external lighting scheme.

(xix)     Any further conditions considered appropriate in the light of the comments from Environmental Health recently received.


2) Should the above obligations not be secured within the above period, the Head of Planning given delegated authority to refuse the application on the grounds that without such matters being secured the development would be contrary to policy on open space provision and/or highway safety/adequate sustainable transport provision interests; unless he considers it appropriate to extend the period for completion of the obligations.

Supporting documents: