Agenda item



Councillor Simon Tagg asked the Leader what future plans there were for the Guildhall when the new Hub opens.


The Leader confirmed that officers had prepared a tender pack of relevant information and had assembled a list of prospective interested parties with the aim of securing a tenant ‘business’ of a nature that would facilitate ongoing access and use of the building by the community.  A competitive tendering process would commence shortly and the outcome would be reported to Cabinet in due course.


The Cabinet would be attempting to engage interest from organisations that were capable of bringing forward viable proposals for some form of community-based use of the building.  This would reflect the desire to facilitate ongoing public access to services in the focal and historic building. 



Councillor Sweeney asked the Leader for confirmation that the independent review into the Council’s handling of the June 8 General Election was truly independent. 


The Leader confirmed that this was the case.  An email had been sent to all Group Leaders on 13 June by the Chief Executive advising that he had “requested the Association of Electoral Administrators (AEA) to undertake an independent review of the election and to make a report as soon as possible”.  There was a subsequent email from the Chief Executive to all Group Leaders on 20 June in which it was confirmed that he had; “met with John Turner – Chief Executive of the AEA on Friday… to discuss the brief for the review”.  A copy of the brief which covered the matters raised  in the media and had been the subject of written complaints was attached with the email.  In addition, the Chief Executive asked all candidates and agents to provide comments about the election process and their responses had been forwarded to the AEA so that they could also be considered as part of the review.  In the second email the Chief Executive also invited feedback from Group Leaders.


Andrew Scallan had been nominated by the AEA to conduct the review.  



Councillor Trevor Johnson asked how often, in the last eighteen months had the Council used its power to fine for litter and fly tipping by travellers?


The Leader stated that such powers had not been used in the last eighteen months to fine for litter and fly tipping in relation to travellers on Borough Council managed open spaces and car parks.


To be successful in issuing any enforcement, identification and a fixed abode of the perpetrators would be required and this would not be possible in such circumstances.  It could also extend the period of occupation whilst attempts were made to serve such fines.


The Leader agreed that this was a good question and felt that more information was required on this.  Councillor Shenton would be asking her Portfolio Holder to provide her with a more detailed response which she would be happy to share.  It was also suggested that this would make an interesting topic for the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.



Councillor Loades asked if the reason for the lack of Planning Enforcement across the Borough could be explained.


The Leader stated that the Council sought to actively manage its caseload of enforcement complaints and has clear procedures and performance management arrangements in place in this regard.  The Leader was aware that the caseload  of open cases had increased  over the past three quarters.  Councillor Loades was encouraged to ask his colleagues to raise the matter at the Planning Committee for debate.


Cabinet had agreed that, in addition to the dedicated planning enforcement officer, an additional post of a Senior Planning Officer had been approved.  However, despite extensive advertising of the post earlier this year it had not yet been possible to recruit to the post.  The Leader would however discuss with officers the possible re-advertising of this post.



Councillor Simon Tagg asked the Chair of the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Communities Scrutiny Committee why it had not met, to date, in the current Municipal Year to set its Work Programme.


The main piece of work from the previous year had been the condition/safety of the Borough’s subways.  This was now on the verge of being signed off and a meeting had now been arranged where the Work Programme would be discussed.


The same question was asked by Councillor Tagg to the Chair of  the Active and Cohesive Communities Scrutiny Committee.


A meeting had been arranged for 3 August.  The previously arranged date had to be cancelled as it was the day of the General Election.