Agenda item

Questions to the Mayor, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs

In accordance with Procedure Rule 11, questions must be submitted at least 24 hours before the meeting. Any questions considered urgent will only be accepted with the agreement of the Mayor prior to the meeting.



The following questions were submitted:


1.         From Councillor Sweeney to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture:

Question: The Conservative led County Council has invested a figure, via the Penda Partnership , in the region of £30,000 to support the feasibility study for a new leisure facility in Kidsgrove.

What provision has been made in the Borough Council budget to deliver the Labour manifesto commitment of a new Leisure Centre in Kidsgrove?


Reply: We are grateful to the Penda Property Partnership and Staffordshire County Council for their work which has allowed the preparation of a business case for Kidsgrove Leisure Centre. The Capital Budget is not yet set. Existing facilities will remain open until funds for the new offer are in place.

Supplementary comment: Council was informed 2 meetings ago that funding was in place.


No reply given.


2.         From Councillor Sweeney to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing:

Question: In the Newcastle under Lyme Locality profile published October 2016 by the County Council, Kidsgrove is listed as the ninth most at risk ward in Newcastle under Lyme. Can the relevant portfolio Holder explain why this area has been selected for additional resources in the Miners estate report that went to Cabinet on the 14th September where there are eight worse at risk areas in the Borough?


Reply: Action is specifically being taken in the Miners estate which has been identified as being amongst the 20% most deprived areas in the country.  The allocation of additional resources was agreed by Cabinet on 14 September 2016. Properties were originally intended to have a limited life. Enhancement  works aim to improve occupancy and community cohesion.


3.         From Councillor Sweeney to the Portfolio Holder for Finance, IT and Customer:

Question: One of the decisions of Cabinet on the 14th September was

That officers be authorised to re-prioritise existing staff resources, in consultation with relevant Portfolio Holders, in order that this initiative can be effectively co-ordinated and managed by the Partnerships Team. That a further report is submitted to Cabinet in October 2016 outlining the medium term resource implications to ensure future delivery can be sustained

In this member lead Co-operative Council, what direction have members given to officers about where resources will be taken from to support work on the Miners Estate Galleys Bank Kidsgrove?


Reply: Kidsgrove is a pilot multi-agency project which will then be rolled out across the Borough. Additional resources are being directed into the Communities Team who will manage the project. Early emphasis will be placed on the housing function to address the absence of social housing. It is accepted that the Housing section will need additional resources for this and other initiatives.  Priorities will need to be re-determined.

Supplementary question: When will a report be submitted to Cabinet?


Reply: Anticipated to be December meeting. Priorities need to be determined as part of the budget setting process.


4.         From Councillor Snell to The Leader:

Question: Since the last full council, further announcements have been made by Staffordshire County Council as to their plans to mitigate the deficit in the 'Better Care Fund' caused by the reduction in funding by the CCG and Government cuts. This includes the closure of Brighton House in Silverdale and the end of direct care provision by the County Council for Newcastle Residents who may need respite or residential care.

As a signatory to the 'Better Care Fund' and a financial contributor, what, if any, attempts have the County Council made to discuss the impact that their decisions may have on Newcastle residents with this council and what discussions, if any, have the County Council instigated with Newcastle Borough Council regarding how our residents money is used as the County Council continues to cut services? 


Reply: Brief information was received on decisions taken by the Portfolio Holder for Health, Care and Wellbeing under delegated authority. Budget reductions in a number of other service areas have affected the Borough. eg School Crossing Patrols, Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Services.

Supplementary Question: Given that the £15 million deficit in the BCF has not been fully made up, will the Leader seek information from the County Council on other areas under review?


Reply: Assurances given that detailed information will be sought a future meetings of Staffordshire Leaders and Chief Executives.