Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 5th November, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Astley Room - Castle

Contact: Geoff Durham 742222 


No. Item



To receive declarations of interest from Members  on items included in the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest stated.



To consider the Minutes of the previous meeting.


That the minutes of the meeting held on the 15th October, 2024 be agreed as a correct record.


Resolved:    That the minutes of the meeting held on the 15th October 2024 be agreed as a true and accurate record.


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Additional documents:


1. That the contents of the update report be noted.


2. That the Leader and Chief Executive write to the Member of Parliament for Newcastle-under-Lyme to seek their view on the recent response from the Minister on calls for a public inquiry and to support actions arising from the Committee of Inquiry report.


The Chief Executive introduced the report on Walleys Quarry odour issues.


The complaints to both the Council and the Environment Agency had continued to ramp up since the summer and an information update had been published by the operator suggesting activities to be undertaken in the near future.


A response from the Minister of Nature had also been received regarding the letter from the Leader requesting a public inquiry. The Chief Executive had written back asking for confirmation that ministers and civil servants had read and understood the report.


The Leader commented on the worsening situation which was discouraging, reiterating the need for the Environment Agency to ensure the site was run correctly and for a public inquiry to be undertaken.


The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning expressed his disappointment at the response received from the Government in relation to the Environment Agency which in his opinion was failing to do their job.


There was incidentally a growing tendency for vehicles to park near the roundabout which should be reported to the police.


The Deputy Leader reported that KCs from the FTB Chambers had now been appointed by the Council to initiate legal action.


The Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Environment wondered if a letter could be sent to the recently elected MP asking for comments on residents’ concerns and the inactivity of the Environment Agency as well as whether he supported the Minister’s claim that a public inquiry was not required.


The Chief Executive confirmed this could be taken forward.


The Leader commented that the MP had been so far copied in all communications and his opinion would indeed be valuable.


Resolved:    1. That the contents of the update report be noted.


2. That the Leader and Chief Executive write to the Member of Parliament for Newcastle-under-Lyme to seek their view on the recent response from the Minister on calls for a public inquiry and to support actions arising from the Committee of Inquiry report.


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(i)          That  the progress made to date by Capital & Centric on the York Place project in Newcastle Town Centre, be noted;


(ii)         That expenditure of up to £836,843, be approved,  to develop the scheme to the end of RIBA Stage 4, for construction drawings, tender of a contractor, programme and agreement of a final project costs for the build out of the scheme to completion (subject to a separate Council approval at a future date);


(iii)        That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, and Portfolio Holder for One Council, People and Partnerships, be authorised to progress legal agreements to enable the appointment of Capital&Centric under a Pre-Development Services Agreement (PDSA) for the development of the scheme through a direct award under the Pagabo Development Management Framework;


(iv)           That that the future submission of a separate Council Report for the final authorisation to award a construction contract for the build out of the scheme, be noted.



The Leader introduced the report on the regeneration of York Place.


The Deputy Leader praised the ethos of Capital and Centric who would not just flatten buildings but save what could be saved from existing structures.


The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning echoed the Deputy Leader adding there would be expectations for the works to move quickly which he would be looking forward to.


Resolved:    (i) That the progress made to date by Capital & Centric on the York Place project in Newcastle Town Centre, be noted;


(ii) That expenditure of up to £836,843, be approved, to develop the scheme to the end of RIBA Stage 4, for construction drawings, tender of a contractor, programme and agreement of a final project costs for the build out of the scheme to completion (subject to a separate Council approval at a future date);


(iii) That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, and Portfolio Holder for One Council, People and Partnerships, be authorised to progress legal agreements to enable the appointment of Capital & Centric under a Pre-Development Services Agreement (PDSA) for the development of the scheme through a direct award under the Pagabo Development Management Framework;


(iv) That the future submission of a separate Council Report for the final authorisation to award a construction contract for the build out of the scheme, be noted.


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(i)          That the progress made to date by Capital & Centric on the Ryecroft project in Newcastle Town Centre, be noted;


(ii)         That expenditure of up to £748,329 be approved to develop the scheme to the end of RIBA Stage 4, for construction drawings, tender of a contractor, programme and agreement of a final project costs for the build out of the scheme to completion (subject to a separate Council approval at a future date);


(iii)       That expenditure of up to £174,920 be approved to develop the Aspire element of the wider scheme to the end of RIBA Stage 4, for construction drawings, tender of a contractor, programme and agreement of a final project costs for the build out of the scheme to completion (subject to a separate Council approval at a future date);


(iv)        That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, and Portfolio Holder for One Council, People and Partnerships be authorised to progress legal agreements to enable the appointment of Capital&Centric under a Pre-Development Services Agreement (PDSA) for the development of the two schemes through a direct award under the Pagabo Development Management Framework;


(v)         That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, and Portfolio Holder for One Council, People and Partnerships be authorised to progress legal agreements to enable the sale of a portion of the site to Aspire Housing for their residential development (site boundaries and sale price to be determined through the next stage of design development), and reclaim the monies spend on this section of the site, namely £541,258:


(vi)       That the future submission of a separate Council Report for the final authorisation to award a construction contract for the build out of the scheme, be noted.


The Leader introduced the report on the regeneration of the Ryecroft site where the civic offices and old Sainsbury’s used to be. The Council was not exclusively working with Capital & Centric but also Mc Carthy Stone and Aspire Housing.


The Deputy Leader commented that as for the previous site what needed to be done now was awarding the contract and then the construction would start. It was an exciting time after 10 to 15 years seeing this site empty.


The Leader added that accomodations on the site and possibly a new hotel would fit very well within the town bringing footfall back.


Resolved:    (i) That the progress made to date by Capital & Centric on the Ryecroft project in Newcastle Town Centre, be noted;


(ii) That expenditure of up to £748,329 be approved to develop the scheme to the end of RIBA Stage 4, for construction drawings, tender of a contractor, programme and agreement of a final project costs for the build out of the scheme to completion (subject to a separate Council approval at a future date);


(iii) That expenditure of up to £174,920 be approved to develop the Aspire element of the wider scheme to the end of RIBA Stage 4, for construction drawings, tender of a contractor, programme and agreement of a final project costs for the build out of the scheme to completion (subject to a separate Council approval at a future date);


(iv) That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, and Portfolio Holder for One Council, People and Partnerships be authorised to progress legal agreements to enable the appointment of Capital & Centric under a Pre-Development Services Agreement (PDSA) for the development of the two schemes through a direct award under the Pagabo Development Management Framework;


(v) That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, and Portfolio Holder for One Council, People and Partnerships be authorised to progress legal agreements to enable the sale of a portion of the site to Aspire Housing for their residential development (site boundaries and sale price to be determined through the next stage of design development), and reclaim the monies spend on this section of the site, namely £541,258:


(vi) That the future submission of a separate Council Report for the final authorisation to award a construction contract for the build out of the scheme, be noted.


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(i)          That the progress made to date by Capital & Centric on the Midway Car Park project in Newcastle Town Centre, be noted;


(ii)         That expenditure of up to £854,117 be approved to develop the scheme to the end of RIBA Stage 4, for construction drawings, tender of a contractor, programme and agreement of a final project costs for the build out of the scheme to completion (subject to a separate Council approval at a future date);


(iii)        That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, and Portfolio Holder for One Council, People and Partnerships be authorised to progress legal agreements to enable the appointment of Capital&Centric under a Pre-Development Services Agreement (PDSA) for the development of the scheme through a direct award under the Pagabo Development Management Framework;


(iv)       That the future submission of a separate Council Report for the final authorisation to award a construction contract for the build out of the scheme, be noted.



The Leader introduced the report on the regeneration of the Midway car park which Capital & Centric had been working on recommissioning into apartments.


The Deputy Leader shared his enthusiasm for the project which would be inspirational for the town as well as for other towns.


The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning added that it was an interesting and innovative scheme. The Midway structure was not fit for purpose which is why it was replaced by a new car park and having people living on the site would be a good way to bring social dynamism into the town centre.


Resolved:    (i) That the progress made to date by Capital & Centric on the Midway Car Park project in Newcastle Town Centre, be noted;


(ii) That expenditure of up to £854,117 be approved to develop the scheme to the end of RIBA Stage 4, for construction drawings, tender of a contractor, programme and agreement of a final project costs for the build out of the scheme to completion (subject to a separate Council approval at a future date);


(iii) That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, and Portfolio Holder for One Council, People and Partnerships be authorised to progress legal agreements to enable the appointment of Capital & Centric under a Pre-Development Services Agreement (PDSA) for the development of the scheme through a direct award under the Pagabo Development Management Framework;


(iv) That the future submission of a separate Council Report for the final authorisation to award a construction contract for the build out of the scheme, be noted.


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Additional documents:


That the Traffic Regulation Order Amendments, as set out in Appendix 1, to open the new Castle Car Park and close the Midway Car Park and Ryecroft surface car park provision along with introducing a 20 minutes parking stay provision at the bottom of High Street, near the existing taxi rank, be adopted.



The Deputy Leader introduced the report on the amendments to a Traffic Regulation Order to enable the opening of the new Castle Car Park and the closure of the Midway Car Park and Ryecroft surface car parking provision.


The Leader mentioned the Christmas parking arrangements and the Deputy Leader confirmed there would three weekends of free parking as well as on the night of the lights switch on.


Resolved:    That the Traffic Regulation Order Amendments, as set out in Appendix 1, to open the new Castle Car Park and close the Midway Car Park and Ryecroft surface car park provision along with introducing a 20 minutes parking stay provision at the bottom of High Street, near the existing taxi rank, be adopted.


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Additional documents:


That the contents of the attached report and appendices be noted and that the Council’s service and financial performance for this period, continue to be monitored and challenged.


The Deputy Leader introduced the Financial Performance report. There was a positive variance of £11,000 in the first half of the year and £780,000 left from the £11.48 million which had been awarded.


The Leader then went through the corporate performance indicators, asking portfolio holders to comment as required.


Priority 1: One Council delivering for Local People


On food business inspections, staff illness had prevented to reach the target at the time of the survey but this had been resolved since 17th October 2024.


On online transactions, an increase had been recorded over the last few years with the new website. As more and more information and guidance were made available and people would reach out by phone or in person the number of enquiries had decreased.


Priority 2: A Successful and Sustainable Growing Borough


On enforcement actions, a lot was done informally without recourse to legal action which did not show in the measurements. It was suggested that different sorts of metrics may be used going forward to capture the picture more accurately.


Priority 3: Healthy, Active and Safe Communities


On items collected that went to recycling and composting, the target was met and the dip was attributed to garden waste having gone down.


On the number of people accessing museums collections in person, the graph was showing a steady growth with yet another award received in October.


On antisocial behaviours and crime reduction the Borough was working with Staffordshire police and data was showing a reduction in cases.


On homelessness and housing applications these had been increasing. The management of the Disabled Facilities Grants had a lot of backlog when transferred to the Council but things were now improving with the extra staff.


Priority 4: Town Centres for All


On car parking the trend had come back to where it was expected to be.


On town centre footfall, data was now available and the figures would likely increase going forward with the regeneration projects.


On market stall occupancy the figure of 40% for the general market could be improved and initiatives such as free Mondays would help achieve this along with additional efforts in terms of advertising.


Resolved:    That the contents of the attached report and appendices be noted and that the Council’s service and financial performance for this period, continue to be monitored and challenged.


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FORWARD PLAN pdf icon PDF 187 KB


That the Forward Plan be received and noted.


The Leader went through the Forward Plan.


Resolved:    That the Forward Plan be received and noted.


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To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There was no urgent business.


There was no urgent business.



To resolve that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following reports, because it is likely that there will be disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of the Local Government Act 1972.



There was no disclosure of exempt information.