Agenda and draft minutes

Scrutiny Task and Finish Group - Climate Change/Sustainability - Tuesday, 1st September, 2020 7.00 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting - Conference. View directions

Contact: Geoff Durham 742222 


No. Item




There were no apologies.



To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on items contained within the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest stated.



Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Recycling introduced the report which advised Members of an amendment to the Climate Change Act, 2008 introducing a target for at least a 100% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, by 2050.  The Portfolio Holder suggested that the Council adopts a target of 2030 for the Council operations and 2050 for the Borough as a whole


The Council’s Head of Housing, Regeneration and Assets, Joanne Halliday referred Members to paragraph 1.10 which gave a link to a briefing by the House of Commons Library.


Members’ attention was drawn to paragraphs 1.6 to 1.14 of the report which gave a background and possible outcomes for the Borough.  In particular, the Governments acknowledge that not all sectors can meet an earlier deadline and that the 2050 for the Borough as a whole remains a realistic target.


The table at paragraph 1.20 showed the year on year reductions in CO2  emissions since 2012, across the Borough -  which had reduced each year.


The second table showed the emissions in sectors, with industry and commercial having the largest reduction in emissions, followed by domestic.  Transport saw a slight increase from 2013 which had started to reduce in 2017.


The Chair saw these as impressive reductions across the Borough and asked what the key drivers were.  Joanne Halliday advised that these were outlined in the Sustainable Environment Plan at paragraph 1.38.  A copy of the Plan was appended to the report.


The key aspects of the Plan were outlined at paragraph 1.38 of the report.  These were Policies which could influence how the Council operates.


The Plan looked at three areas of Policy development: Local Plan, Taxi Policy and Air Quality.


In addition, Travel looked at ways of getting people to invest in modern / electric vehicles, cycling and scooters.


Assets.  This area was diverse as to what the Council could do in terms of carbon capture, tree planting and whether the Council was making the best use of its land. 


Keele University was very energy efficient and the Council could work with them.


As a property owner, the Council needed to understand its energy usage and was looking to award a contract for energy monitoring, having now been out to Tender.


The Council had not invested in its street lighting for many years and the possibility of LED lights could be a consideration for the future.


The question had been asked whether the Council should have solar and/or wind farms situated within the Borough.  Councillor Fear felt that wind farms were not attractive and very ineffective.  Reference was made to the wind farm situated off the coast of North Wales.  Councillor Fear stated that, on a recent visit none had been turning and added that there were many small things that could be done which would be more effective.  In respect of solar panels, Councillor Fear asked what there was on top of Castle House as an example.  Such panels would look ugly in the countryside  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.




Councillor Fear advised Members that the former Home Farm site at Keele had water free urinals and they were odour free. He wondered if Keele would have any information as to how much water the Council could save by using this method.


The Chair stated that this could be built into the Plan as a recommendation.