Venue: Queen Elizabeth II & Astley Rooms - Castle House, Barracks Road, Newcastle, Staffs. ST5 1BL. View directions
Contact: Geoff Durham 01782 742222
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations of interest from Members on items contained within this agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest stated. |
MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL PDF 1 MB To receive the earliest set of Minutes recorded by the Council, dated 1368. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader spoke on the earliest set of Minutes recorded by the Council in 1368. The Minutes noted a Roger Letys as being elected as Mayor for the third time and by coincidence, in the Council’s 850th year, the Current Mayor, Councillor Simon White was also in his third term of Office.
Resolved: That the Minutes, dated 1368 be received.
HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH PDF 192 KB To receive an address from Honorary Freeman of the Borough, Mr Jim Worgan Additional documents:
Honorary Freeman of the Borough, Jim Worgan gave an address on the history of the Borough and its origins from 1066 to the present day.
The Royal Charter, issued in 1173 was long since lost. It was believed to have been loaned to Preston but never returned. The first record of Newcastle-under-Lyme as a town was in 1168.
AN 850TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE RESOLUTION On the 850th anniversary of its Royal Charter, this Council looks back, with pride on the history and achievements of our ancient and loyal Borough and forward with optimism to its further progress and success. Minutes: The Leader moved an 850th Anniversary Commemorative Resolution:
On the 850th anniversary of its Royal Charter, this Council looks back, with pride on the history and achievements of our ancient and loyal Borough and forward with optimism to its further progress and success.
The Leader spoke on the many events that had already taken place to celebrate the anniversary and of the events yet to happen.
This was also a year of opportunity with the £55m regeneration investment from the Government for Newcastle and Kidsgrove town centres.
The Resolution was seconded by Councillor Dave Jones who spoke about the Borough’s history and ended by saying that the Borough was the best place to live, study and work.
Members agreed that the Borough was a place to be proud of.
Resolved: That the Commemorative Resolution be agreed
Minutes: The Leader introduced a report seeking support to re-establish the role of High steward for the Borough as part of the legacy programme of the 850th Year Celebrations.
Councillor Dave Jones proposed an amendment to the report that, in the event of the role of High Steward being re-established, the Chief Executive establish an independent Appointments Committee. The Committee would comprise of three Aldermen, agreed by Group Leaders. The Independent Appointments Committee would receive nominations for the role of High Steward and appraise the nominations before making a recommendation to Full Council for consideration for appointment. This was seconded by Councillor Fox Hewitt.
The Leader and seconder of the motion, Councillor Bettley-Smith accepted the amendment.
Councillor Gary White spoke about the historical significance of the Borough and stated that history showed that the re-election of High Steward had traditionally been upon the death of a Monarch and the subsequent coronation of the new Monarch.
Resolved: (i) That the historical role of the High Steward in Newcastle under Lyme be noted. (ii) That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council be authorised to further investigate and pursue the relevant processes to re-establish the role of High Steward for Newcastle under Lyme. (iii) That, should the role of High Steward be re-established, the Chief Executive establish an Independent Appointments Committee, comprising three Aldermen agreed by Group Leaders.
850TH YEAR CELEBRATIONS AND LEGACY PDF 235 KB Minutes: The Leader introduced a report giving an update on the 850th year celebrations and the legacy programme being delivered throughout the year.
The Leader made reference to paragraph 2.10 of the report, the awarding of a £1000 bursary, by the Council, to one of the cohort who went through the annual GivEnergy funded programme, outlined at paragraph 2.6, and subsequently secured a place at Keele University.
Further projects would be the installation of a statue of the late Queen Elizabeth II in the Queen’s Gardens and the planting of the 850 Lyme Forest on the former Keele Golf Course.
Councillor Dave Jones had concerns regarding the bursary only being awarded to one of the cohort of ten and asked that Council consider expanding it to the whole cohort, should they secure a place at Keele University.
The Leader stated that Councillor Jones’ comment would be considered.
Resolved: (i) That the progress made with the 850th Year Celebrations programme of activity, be noted. (ii) That the development of the legacy programme including the following, be noted:- (a) An annual award ceremony to celebrate individuals from our borough who make an outstanding contribution to their community (b) An educational programme for young people, introducing them to sustainable engineering careers and University opportunities (c) Commissioning a statue of the late Monarch Queen Elizabeth II for Newcastle under Lyme Town Centre funded through the sale of 11 limited edition bronze maquettes (d) The 850 Lyme Forest
APPOINTMENT OF HONORARY ALDERMEN FOR THE BOROUGH OF NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME PDF 207 KB To present the following, newly appointed Honorary Aldermen with their Certificates.
Silvia Burgess; Julie Cooper; Tony Kearon; Mary Maxfield; Mark Olszewski; Marion Reddish; Kyle Robinson-Payne; Elizabeth Shenton; Sandra Simpson and June Walklate.
A copy of the report to Council proposing the appointments, dated 23 November, 2022 is attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader read out the following resolution that was agreed at the Special Council meeting held on 23 November, 2022.
That pursuant to Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 the undermentioned persons be admitted as Honorary Aldermen of the Borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme in recognition of their long and dedicated service to the people of the Borough through the performance of their duties as members of the Borough Council.
The following Honorary Aldermen were awarded with their certificate:
Kyle Robinson-Payne Tony Kearon Marion Reddish Mary Maxfield Silvia Burgess Julie Cooper Mark Olszewski Elizabeth Shenton June Walklate
Sandra Simpson, who was unable to attend, would receive her certificate in due course.