Venue: Queen Elizabeth II & Astley Rooms - Castle House, Barracks Road, Newcastle, Staffs. ST5 1BL. View directions
Contact: Geoff Durham 01782 742222
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations of interest from Members on items contained within this agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest stated. |
MINUTES OF A PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 266 KB To consider the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 April, 2023 be agreed as a correct record. |
ELECTION OF MAYOR 2023/24 When the Mayor has declared the result of the election, the Mayor, preceded by the Mace Bearers, will retire from the room, accompanied by the Chief Executive and the Mayor Elect.
The Mayor Elect will then be robed and invested with the chain of office. The Mayor Elect will then return to the meeting room preceded by the Mace Bearers and accompanied by the Chief Executive.
The Mayor will take the chair and make the declaration of acceptance of office.
Minutes: Two nominations were received. However, one nominee had not been made aware of this and wished to be withdrawn, leaving just one:
Councillor Simon White. Proposed by Councillor Simon Tagg and seconded by Councillor Bettley-Smith.
Resolved: That Councillor Simon White be appointed as Mayor for the 2023/24 Municipal Year.
The Mayor made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR 2023/24 Following the appointment of the Deputy Mayor, he/she will make the declaration of acceptance of office. Minutes: Two nominations were received:
Councillor Barry Panter. Proposed by Councillor Northcott and seconded by Councillor Simon Tagg.
Councillor Richard Gorton. Proposed by Councillor Fox-Hewitt and seconded by Councillor Dave Jones.
A vote was taken.
Resolved: That Councillor Barry Panter be appointed as Deputy Mayor for the 2023/24 Municipal Year.
The Deputy Mayor Made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
MAYORAL APPOINTMENTS The Mayor will announce appointments to Civic Roles for the forthcoming year.
Minutes: The following appointments were made:
Consort: Cllr Gary White Mayoress: Tanya Morgan High Constable: Peter Whalan Mayor’s Cadet: Cpl Abigail Pye Chaplain: Rev. Peter Nisbeck Mace Bearers: Jenny Otter and Glenn Martin-James
MAYORAL ADDRESS To receive the Mayoral address. Minutes: The Mayor thanked members for electing him and stated that he was honoured to be appointed to the role which he would carry out to the best of his ability. The Mayor looked forward to attending many engagements throughout his year in Office.
The Mayor named his chosen charities as the Academy for Theatre Arts and We Love Newcastle.
The Mayor thanked former Mayor, Gill Burnett-Faulkner for carrying out her duties diligently and with enthusiasm and congratulated her on her recent marriage.
VOTE OF THANKS TO THE RETIRING MAYOR AND CONSORT In appreciation of their services during the past year, the Group Leaders will lead a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor and Mayoress.
Minutes: On behalf of the Council, Councillor Simon Tagg expressed gratitude and appreciation to the retiring Mayor and Consort. Over one hundred and six engagements had been carried out and raised over £7000 for her chosen charities.
The term had coincided with momentous and historic events including a Platinum Jubilee, funeral of the late Queen and Coronation of the new King.
The Leader thanked Councillor Burnett-Faulkner and congratulated her and David on their recent marriage. This was echoed by the Labour Group leader.
Minutes: The retiring Mayor stated that it had been a delight to serve the Borough in what had been a busy year both personally and in her Mayoral role. Thanks were given to the Consort, support staff, Mayor’s Chaplain, Council Officers and all members of the Council.
APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY LEADER AND CABINET The Leader will report the appointment of the Cabinet and Deputy Leader for 2023/24.
Minutes: The Leader confirmed Councillor Sweeney as Deputy Leader and the following as members of the Cabinet for 2023/24:
Councillor Gill Heesom (Portfolio, Community Safety and Wellbeing) Councillor David Hutchison (Portfolio, Sustainable Environment) Councillor Andy Fear (Portfolio, Strategic Planning) Councillor Jill Waring (Portfolio, Leisure, Culture and Heritage) Councillor Stephen Sweeney (Portfolio, Finance Town Centres and Growth) Councillor Simon Tagg (Portfolio, One Council, People and Partnerships)
The Leader welcomed Councillor Hutchison to the Cabinet and thanked Councillor Trevor Johnson who had previously held the Portfolio for Environment and Recycling for all of his hard work.
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES, CHAIRS AND VICE CHAIRS FOR 2023/24 PDF 371 KB To appoint Members to committees. Appendix to follow.
Additional documents: Minutes: Committee Membership
It was proposed by Councillor Simon Tagg and seconded by Councillor Sweeney that the appointments to committees, for 2023/24 be as set out in the Agenda.
Resolved: That the appointments to committees, as set out in the agenda, be approved.
Chairs and Vice-Chairs
It was proposed by Councillor Simon Tagg and seconded by Councillor Dave Jones that the nominations for Chairs and Vice Chairs be taken en-bloc and have a single vote.
Resolved: That the following Chair and Vice-Chair appointments be approved:
REVISED FINANCE AND CONTRACT PROCEDURE RULES PDF 431 KB Appendix to follow Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader introduced a report asking Council to adopt a new set of Finance and Contract Procedure Rules as they had not been substantially revised since 2020. The revised rules were attached as an appendix in the supplementary agenda.
Resolved: (i) That the new Finance and Contract Procedure Rules as set out in the appendix, be adopted; and,
(ii) That the Monitoring Officer be delegated authority, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder One Council, People & Partnerships, to make such minor modifications as may be required to finalise the drafting and integrate the same into the Constitution.
CONSTITUTION UPDATE PDF 406 KB Minutes: The Leader introduced a report seeking Council’s approval of the proposed changes to update the Constitution. The changes had taken place following adoption of the new Constitution at Annual Council in 2022.
The Leader proposed an amendment to the Constitution which was seconded by Councillor Holland:
‘That Council resolves to add a new paragraph numbered 1.3, after the existing paragraph 1.2 in Section B4 of the Constitution. Section B4 contains the Council Procedure Rules and Part 1 deals with proceedings at Annual Council. The new Paragraph 1.3 would read:
No Member shall be nominated for election to the office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor, nor to a position of Chair or Vice-Chair of any committee, without consent first having been obtained from the Member being nominated’.
Resolved: (i) That the changes at 1.1 and 1.2, relating to the Planning Committee, be approved: 1.1 allowing 5 minutes for each public speaker to address the Planning Committee, and 1.2 automatically referring to committee any application involving 10 or more dwellings or where the number of dwellings is not known.
(ii) That the changes required to reflect the recently amended Officer structure be approved.
(iii) That a change in name of Scrutiny Working Groups to Scrutiny Task and Finish Groups be approved.
(iv) That a new paragraph, as written in italics above be added to the Constitution.
(v) That the Monitoring Officer, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder One Council, People & Partnerships be authorised to amend the Constitution accordingly.
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any communications which pursuant to Section B4, Rule 9 of the constitution are, in the opinion of the Mayor, of an urgent nature and to pass thereon such resolutions as may be deemed necessary. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |
DISCLOSURE OF EXEMPT INFORMATION To resolve that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following report(s) as it is likely that there will be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs contained within Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There were no confidential items. |