Venue: Jubilee 2 - Dance Studio - (Second Floor) - Brunswick street, Newcastle, Staffs. View directions
Contact: Denise French 742211 01782 742222
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES Minutes: There were no apologies. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations of interest from Members on items contained within this agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest stated. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS PDF 236 KB To consider the minutes of the previous meeting(s) Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved: That the Minutes of the meetings held on 24 February and 18 March, 2021 be agreed as correct records.
The Leader gave an update on the Minutes from the 18 March meeting in respect of Walleys Quarry. The Cabinet had received an update and a report would be brought to the Council meeting in July. |
ELECTION OF MAYOR 2021/22 When the Mayor has declared the result of the election, the Mayor, preceded by the Mace Bearers, will retire from the room, accompanied by the Chief Executive and the Mayor Elect.
The Mayor Elect will then be robed and invested with the chain of office. The Mayor Elect will then return to the meeting room preceded by the Mace Bearers and accompanied by the Chief Executive.
The Mayor will take the chair and make the declaration of acceptance of office.
Minutes: Two nominations were received:
Councillor Ken Owen. Proposed by Councillor Bert Proctor and seconded by Councillor Simon Tagg.
Councillor John Williams. Proposed by Councillor Stubbs and seconded by Councillor Mark Olszewski.
A vote was taken.
Resolved: That Councillor Ken Owen be appointed as Mayor for the 2021/22 Municipal Year.
The Mayor Made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR 2021/22 Following the appointment of the Deputy Mayor, he/she will make the declaration of acceptance of office. Minutes: Two nominations were received:
Councillor Gill Burnett. Proposed by Councillor Simon Tagg and seconded by Councillor Stephen Sweeney.
Councillor Elizabeth Shenton. Proposed by Councillor Mike Stubbs and seconded by Councillor Dave Jones.
A vote was taken.
Resolved: That Councillor Gill Burnett be appointed as Deputy Mayor for the 2021/22 Municipal Year.
The Deputy Mayor Made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
MAYORAL APPOINTMENTS The Mayor will announce appointments to Civic Roles for the forthcoming year.
Minutes: Mayoress: Rachel Eaton High Constable: Daniel McDonald Chaplain: Rev. Joshua Penduck Mace Bearers: Angela Mayer and Alderman Chris Malkin Mayor’s Cadet: Flt.Sgt Chloe Weymouth |
MAYORAL ADDRESS To receive the Mayoral address. Minutes: The Mayor thanked members for electing him and stated that he was honoured to be appointed to the role which he would carry out to the best of his ability. The Mayor looked forward to attending many engagements throughout his year in Office.
Members were advised that the Mayor’s first Civic engagement would be his Civic Service in July. |
VOTE OF THANKS TO THE RETIRING MAYOR AND MAYORESS In appreciation of their services during the past year, the Group Leaders will lead a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor and Mayoress.
Minutes: On behalf of the Council, The Leader, Councillor Simon Tagg expressed gratitude and appreciation to the retiring Mayor and the Mayoress. This had been a difficult year, tinged with sadness with the Mayoress, Angela Cooper passing away. The Leader stated that Angela had been proud to see the Mayor serve a second term although, due to the Coronavirus this had not been a normal year for engagements. The Leader thanked the Mayor for the work that he had done and wished him all the best for the future.
Councillor Stubbs echoed the Leader’s words stating that the Mayor had served through a tumultuous year with grace and favour and facing the trials and tribulations of his personal life.
Councillors’ Proctor and Reddish echoed the comments stating that he had carried out his role with dignity throughout a difficult year and he was respected across the Borough.
RESPONSE OF THE RETIRING MAYOR AND SUMMARY OF THE MAYORAL YEAR Retiring Mayor’s response. Minutes: The Mayor stated that he was grateful for the kind words spoken for himself and the Mayoress. It had been an unusual year but he was grateful and thankful for the opportunity to serve a second term.
The Mayor thanked officers for the work they had done and the support and understanding during a difficult time for himself and his family. The Coronavirus had stopped a lot of engagements.
APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY LEADER AND CABINET The Leader will report the appointment of his Cabinet and Deputy Leader for 2021/22.
Minutes: The Leader confirmed Councillor Sweeney as Deputy Leader and the following as members of the Cabinet for 2021/22:
Councillor Gill Heesom Councillor Trevor Johnson Councillor Paul Northcott Councillor Jill Waring Councillor Stephen Sweeney Councillor Simon Tagg |
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES, CHAIRS AND VICE CHAIRS FOR 2021/22 PDF 361 KB To appoint Members to committees.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor S Tagg and seconded by Councillor Sweeney that the appointments to committees, for 2021/22 be as set out in the Agenda.
Committee Membership
Resolved: That the appointments to committees, as set out in the agenda, be approved.
Chairs and Vice-Chairs
Where there were more than one nomination for Chair or Vice- Chair a vote was taken.
Resolved: That the following Chair and Vice-Chair appointments be approved:
EXTERNAL ROLES AND APPOINTMENTS PDF 361 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report asking Members to note the current position in respect of the external roles and appointments. An appendix to the report was tabled at the meeting.
The Leader advised that the appointments would be renewed at the Council meeting which immediately followed Borough elections and they would continue for a four year term. There were some areas which were awaiting further information and the Leader asked Members who were involved with any of the organisations listed to advise the Monitoring Officer if they had been wound up or a Council representative was no longer required. The Leader moved the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Sweeney.
Councillor Stubbs queried whether the Council felt that there was any value in having a representative on the Waste and Mineral Site Liaison Committees when they ignored the Council. Particular reference was made to Walleys Quarry.
The Leader sympathised with the comments and stated that there was a stalemate with the operator and representatives did not attend the last meeting and would not go to any future meetings until they were broadcast. The Leader added that, even by not attending, the Council were making a statement.
Councillor Reddish agreed with the Leader, stating that ‘silence spoke a lot!’, and agreed that the representatives from the Council should remain on these Liaison Committees.
Resolved: That the report be noted. |
CALENDAR OF MEETINGS 2021/22 PDF 369 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report asking Members to note the calendar of meetings for 2021/22. The Leader introduced the report, stating that this was the full set of the Council meetings for the year.
The Leader advised that the ‘Six Month’s Rule’ which had been suspended due to the Coronavirus, had now resumed following a court case which ruled that local authority meetings must meet in person. The Leader hoped that there would be no need to go back into restrictions in the future. The Leader moved the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Sweeney.
Resolved: That the report be noted. |
CONFIRMATION OF THE CONSTITUTION PDF 421 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to a report asking Council to confirm the Constitution. The Leader introduced the report and moved the recommendation. The Leader stated that a report for Member’s Allowances would normally have been expected to be brought to this meeting but this had been delayed by Covid. Once the Remuneration Panel had met, any recommendations would be implemented from the new Council term in 2022.
Councillor Sweeney seconded the recommendation.
Resolved: That Council notes that there are no new amendments made or proposed to the Council’s constitution, and that its content as currently drawn (16/12/20), including the various schemes of delegation, are confirmed.
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any communications which pursuant to Appendix 7, Procedure Rule 8 of the constitution are, in the opinion of the Mayor, of an urgent nature and to pass thereon such resolutions as may be deemed necessary. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |