Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 13th July, 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 2AG

Contact: Jayne Briscoe / Geoff Durham  01782 742231 / 742222

No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillors Astle, Beech, Bloor, Mancy, S.Tagg, Waring, Wing,



Tribute to Councillor Braithwaite


Members paid tribute to the late Councillor Eileen Braithwaite for her commitment to representing the residents of the Borough.  Members wished to celebrate the life of Councillor Braithwaite and all that she had achieved.


Jo Cox MP


Members paid tribute to Jo Cox MP whose life had been tragically ended as a result of an attack.  The loss of the MP was felt by all political parties and was described by members as an attack on democracy and the foundations of



Members stood in silent tribute to the memory of Councillor Braithwaite and Jo Cox MP.





Minutes pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To consider the minutes of the previous meeting(s)


Resolved:                 That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2016 be agreed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest from Members on items contained within this agenda.


There were no declarations of interest stated.


Mayors Announcements


Congratulations were extended to Councillor Mancey on the birth of her daughter.


The Mayor was looking forward to attending the Summer Degree Ceremony at Keele University and had been proud to attend the recent graduation ceremony at Staffordshire University.


Treasury Management Annual Report 2015-16 pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Additional documents:


The portfolio holder for Finance, IT and Customer Service introduced the Treasury Management Annual Report for 2015/16, which had been produced in line with legislative requirements.


Resolved:     That the report be noted.



Appointment of Chair - Public Protection Committee


Resolved:     That Councillor S Hambleton be appointed as Chair of the Public Protection Committee.    


Appointment of representative to Outside Bodies - United Charities


Resolved:     That Councillor Turner be appointed as the Borough Council representative on the United Charities Outside Body.


The Constitution - Consequential Changes to Officer Scheme of Delegations pdf icon PDF 51 KB


This item was withdrawn from the agenda prior to consideration.


Update on previous petitions


There was no update on previous petitions.


Arrangements for Member meetings pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


The portfolio holder, for Policy, People and Partnerships introduced this report which set out the recommendations arising from an LGA Peer Review of the democratic decision making structures commissioned by this authority.



Resolved (i)              That the following committees be disbanded with immediate effect:-


                                    Joint Parking Committee

                                    Member Development Panel

                                    Asset Policy Committee

                                    Governance Committee (on completion of its current work programme)


Resolved (ii)             That the Audit and Risk Committee and Standards Committee be merged.


Resolved (iii)            That the recommendation in relation to the Staffing Committee and Employee Consultative Committee be deferred pending further details on the proposed Joint Negotiating and Consultation Committee and the Member Appeal Panel.


Resolved (iv)           That the following member/officer working groups be established under the support of the relevant Executive Director or Head of Service:-


                                    Kidsgrove Leisure Centre Working Group

                                    Newcastle Almshouse Charity

                                    Parish Councils Forum


Resolved (v)            That the Conservation Advisory Working Group be retained in its current form.


Resolved (vi)           That the Constitution Working Group be retained as a member/officer working group comprising a member from

                                    each group and add to its remit a role to keep under review member support and development.  The working group be retitled the Constitution and Member Support Working Group.


Resolved (vii)          That the Constitution be amended to reflect the changes in (i) to (vi) above.


Resolved (viii)         That the Group Leaders with the Chief Executive keep under review the arrangements for scrutiny to ensure that these are efficient and effective.


Resolved (vix)         That the Constitution and Member Support Working Group give consideration and make recommendations on the scheduling of meetings to make best use of member and officer time.




Statement of the Leader of the Council pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council on the activities and decisions of Cabinet and items included on the Forward Plan.


The Leader submitted a report which provided an update to members on the activities and decisions of the Cabinet since the last meeting of full Council on 18 May, 2016.


Resolved:     That the report be noted.





Reports of the Chairs of Scrutiny Committees pdf icon PDF 46 KB

(a)    Active and Cohesive Scrutiny Committee

(b)    Finance, Resources and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee

(c)    Economic Development and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee

(d)    Cleaner, Greener and Safer Scrutiny Committee

(e)    Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee




Resolved:     That the reports of the Scrutiny Chairs be noted


Reports of the Chairs of the Regulatory Committees pdf icon PDF 27 KB

(a)   Audit and Risk Committee

(b)   Planning Committee

(c)   Licensing Committee

(d)   Public Protection Committee


Additional documents:


Resolved:     That the reports of the Chairs of the Audit and Risk Committee and Planning Committee be noted


Notice of Motion pdf icon PDF 44 KB

A notice of motion other than those listed in Standing Order 19 must reach the Chief Executive ten clear days before the relevant meeting of the Council.

Additional documents:


A motion was received, proposed by Councillor Holland, seconded by Councillor Fear regarding the EU Referendum.  Subsequently an amendment to the motion was submitted which was proposed by Councillor Shenton and seconded by Councillor Reddish.


Members debated the motion and amendment and a vote was taken on the amendment as set out below.


The Council notes that the people of the Borough voted by a large majority of 43,457 (63%) to 25,477 (37%), that the United Kingdom should leave the European Union.

This Council respects the democratic decision of the people of Newcastle and will focus on serving all residents during the current period of national uncertainty.

The Council is extremely concerned about the worst rise on record of reports of hate crime to the police nationally since the referendum result.  Our council condemns racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally and will ensure that steps are taken to tackle such behaviour. We are sure that the vast majority of Newcastle residents, however they voted in the referendum; share our concern about any increase in hate crimes.

The Council calls upon the government to replace any funding lost from the Borough as a result of leaving the EU, and in particular, (in the light of the severe shortfall of funds for our local hospital) that extra funding promised by the leave campaign for the NHS be honoured.

The council resolves that the Chief Executive writes to all MPs representing this Borough to enlist their support in ensuring that all residents of the Borough are protected and supported during the process of leaving the EU, when that process is finally enacted by the current Government.



Resolved:     That the amendment to the motion above be carried.


Councillor Loades abstained from voting and asked that this be recorded.


Receipt of Petitions

To receive from Members any petitions which they wish to present to the Council.


There were no petitions received.


Standing Order 18 - Urgent Business

To consider any communications which pursuant to Standing Order No18 are, in the opinion of the Mayor, of an urgent nature and to pass thereon such resolutions as may be  deemed necessary.


There were no items of urgent business.