Agenda and minutes

Active and Cohesive Communities Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 6th March, 2017 6.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 2AG. View directions

Contact: Jayne Briscoe 2250 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on items included on this agenda


There were no declarations of interest stated.




An apology was received from Councillor Frankish who was represented by Councillor Matthews.


Dementia Friendly Swimming - Presentation from the Amateur Swimming Association

Please note that the Commissioning and Redesign Manager, Mental Health from the North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Stoke on Trent Clinical Commissioning Group together with the CEO of Approach will be in attendance for this item.


Members of the Joint Scrutiny Committee received a presentation from Duane Newton of the Amateur Swimming Association who spoke with members on the topic of dementia friendly swimming.   Duane Newton emphasised the life enhancing value of swimming and the importance in building partnerships between leisure, health and the social care sector in relation to raising social awareness of dementia within the community  


Members questioned the additional cost of providing dementia friendly swimming sessions and Duane Newton gave examples of other authorities who had obtained funding from mental health bodies and from public health working alongside a private operator.


Will Boyce, CEO of Approach offered the support of his organisation and explained that the cost implications of becoming dementia friendly was relatively small and that it was more about an attitude of mind in supporting the client group and having an empathic team of surrounding staff. He added that there was likely to be an increase in the number of people affected by dementia within the next 10-15 years.


The barriers to dementia friendly swimming included single sex changing rooms, cold pool temperature, and access to the pool (especially steps), and the availability of pool attendants to help.



There were no special regulations in relation to dementia friendly swimming although the Amateur Swimming Association had developed a checklist for pools considering offering the sessions. Training in relation to dementia would be most beneficial if it was introduced across all areas of the pool e.g. pool instructors, café areas.  The context of training could be widened and extended to include other sectors of the community, for example schools.


The Chair of Health and Wellbeing reported on the very positive visit to Crewe Lifestyles Centre operated by Everybody Leisure where members had viewed a session of dementia friendly swimming (Aqua relax). The sessions were held in a smaller pool with the temperature of the water well controlled and with a specifically trained lifeguard. Carers were allowed into the pool.  Councillor Jones added that the service users were extremely positive about the service and that there were distinct advantages to having a “gang” participate as they would encourage members to keep attending.


It was agreed that a Councillor should be nominated to champion the project.  It was also agreed that a steering group be established to develop an action plan for dementia friendly swimming and complete the checklist as a first step to ascertain how dementia friendly the Councils leisure facilities are.


The Head of Leisure and Culture was very encouraged by the level of support pledged for the initiative and considered that dementia friendly swimming could be introduced into Jubilee 2 relatively easily although he pointed out that if the initiative was to achieve optimum success this would depend on partnership working prior to the sessions.


Members viewed the initiative as extremely positive and felt that it was “absolutely the right thing to do”.



Agreed                      That the CEO of Approach be invited to attend the next meeting to present on dementia friendly initiatives.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Minutes of a previous meeting pdf icon PDF 77 KB


Resolved:                 That the minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2016 be agreed as a correct record.



Public Question Time

Any member of the public wishing to submit a question must serve two clear days’ notice, in writing, of any such question to the Borough Council.



There were no members of the public present at the meeting.


Urgent Business

To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There was no Urgent Business.


Date of next meeting


Next Joint Meeting - !2 April 2017