Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 3rd April, 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs ST5 2AG

Contact: Peter Whalan 

No. Item




Apologies were received from Cllr Taylor.


Declarations of Interest


Cllr H Johnson declared an interest with regard to the North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 37 KB


That the minutes from the meeting held on 11th January 2012 be agreed as a correct record.



Update regarding District Council representation on the Health and Wellbeing Board


An update was received regarding District Council representation on the Health and Well Being Board.


Members again raised concerns that there was no representative from the District Council or Borough Council for the North of the county. These concerns would be fed back to the County Council.


RESOLVED:            That member concerns regarding lack of representation be fed back to Staffordshire County Council.


Infant Mortality in Newcastle under Lyme pdf icon PDF 19 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to infant mortality rates in Newcastle-under-Lyme. Members questioned whether it was known at what point death occurred including whether it was pre or post delivery. The question was raised as to whether the actions/lifestyle choices of the parents had any impact on the deaths. A joint committee for Stoke and North Staffordshire was to be set up. The Council would be represented on the committee by Naomi Chesters.


Members questioned if the birth rate figures had also gone down.  This information was available from the Staffordshire Observatory.


The committee requested that a further letter be written to the Director of Public Health requesting answers to points 5, 6, and 7 on the scrutiny brief. An update regarding this would be provided to the next meeting.


Members questioned whether there was a monitoring system regarding infant mortality as this was an urgent problem that had been known about for twelve months. Staffordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board were looking into the topic and two family nurses had been commissioned to support families and children from pre-birth to 19 years of age, Naomi Chesters was to meet with the nurses.


RESOLVED:            That a further letter be written to the Director of Public Health requesting answers to points 5, 6, and 7 on the scrutiny brief.


Update on Cardiac Rehabilitation

To receive a presentation from the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services


A presentation was received from the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services updating the Committee on Cardiac Rehabilitation.


Officers from Newcastle Borough Council were working with staff from the University Hospital of North Staffordshire, who they met with at the end of March. There was progress but this was slow. There was positive feedback but it was thought that the Cardiac Rehabilitation would probably not commence for approximately 2-3 months. Concerns were raised that if this was not commenced soon then there would not be enough time to accommodate Cardiac Rehabilitation at the Jubilee 2 centre.


Members stated it was taking too long and that the PCT needed to be reminded that Cardiac Rehabilitation in Newcastle-under-Lyme was very poor. An offer was made by Newcastle Borough Council in 2011 which had still not progressed and this was not satisfactory.


RESOLVED:            1) That the update be noted and that a progress report be brought to the next meeting

2) That the PCT be contacted regarding the urgency of the situation



Health and Wellbeing Strategy pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To receive a presentation from the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services


A presentation was received from the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services regarding the Health and Well Being Strategy. It was stated at the beginning of the presentation that public health was best led by a local authority.


There was an update on progress to date. Countywide Health and Well Being Board had been set up last year but there remained an issue with District Council representation on this board. Newcastle-under-Lyme’s strategy needed to tie in with Staffordshire County Council’s strategy. The County’s strategy was currently under review, which itself had been delayed whilst it awaits the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


The committee considered that the Chesterton Salvation Army had a very good reputation for working with people, in areas such as healthy eating etc. If a programme could be gotten together they could help identify funding opportunities.


It was noted that housing authorities such as Aspire had undertaken projects relating to Health and Well Being Boards with an outside team providing advice on the boards. Furthermore, it was suggested a lifestyle project could be undertaken with partner organisations such as Keele University, Newcastle College and the Loggerheads Partnership.


Members noted that Cannock Chase District Council had done a lot of good work in relation to Health and Well Being Boards. It was felt it was necessary to determine the key local health challenges in Newcastle, then focus on what the Council was doing and what the Council could be doing. It was also felt that the Council needed to be aware of what its partners were doing e.g. the Salvation Army. These findings could then be presented to the Health and Well Being Board.


RESOLVED:            1) That the key local health challenges in Newcastle-

under-Lyme be identified

2) That the Chesterton Salvation Army be approached regarding fundraising ideas

3) That the possibility of a joint project with Keele University, Newcastle College and the Loggerheads Partnership be investigated



Update on Jubilee 2 (Report to Cabinet on 14th March 2012) pdf icon PDF 44 KB


The committee received a report to update it on progress relating to the Jubilee 2 centre.


Members raised concerns regarding the employment of cleaning staff at the centre but it was confirmed that steps were already being taken to rectify these concerns.


RESOLVED:                        That the report be received.


Phlebotomy Services and Publicity pdf icon PDF 21 KB


A report was submitted to update members on publicity regarding phlebotomy services in Newcastle-under-Lyme.


A response had been received from Tamsin Carr which appeared to show a good increase in publicity regarding phlebotomy services in the Borough.


Concerns were however still high amongst members and it was requested that a representative be invited to the next meeting of the Committee to discuss the service.


RESOLVED:            That a representative be invited to attend the next meeting of the committee to discuss the phlebotomy service



North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust Consultation on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Local Communities pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Consideration was given to the North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust Consultation on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Local Communities.


It was felt that good values and goals had been revealed from the consultation, but there was little idea of how to achieve them. Members agreed that the document looked good but that there was little substance. There was concern regarding nursing skills and how care was being delivered to patients. A suggestion was made that a committee should be set up to monitor this.


Members agreed that concern should be conveyed and in particular concern at the speed things were happening. It was requested that feedback be received for Stage 1.


It was noted that there was a separate project for dementia and members considered that this was being dealt with incorrectly and it needed to be kept in the home.


RESOLVED:            1) That concern be conveyed, in particular concern at the speed things were happening.

                                    2) That feedback be received for Stage 1




NHS Complaints Procedure pdf icon PDF 3 MB

A copy of the procedure is attached for information.


The Committee considered the University Hospital of North Staffordshire policy regarding complaints. Members were concerned regarding the length of the document and that feedback received to date had been worrying.


The Committee agreed that information was needed regarding what was happening with other Staffordshire Trusts and to ascertain where PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) entered the equation.


RESOLVED:            That information be obtained regarding what was happening with other Staffordshire Trusts and to ascertain where PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) entered the equation.


Workplan pdf icon PDF 31 KB


The committee reviewed progress on its workplan.


RESOLVED:            That the information be received and progress made be notice


Urgent Business

To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100 B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972.


The committee considered that Engaging Communities needed reviewing. It was felt that it was not known what the short term aim of the project was. It was requested that a copy be circulated to the committee.


Members also discussed the Accountability Session that had taken place recently. There was a problem with pharmacies in that there were too many pills being prescribed and not all GP services had to carry out regular checks regarding prescriptions, such as carrying out a health check every three months. GPs and pharmacists had been spoken to and it was discovered that drugs were pre-ordered to save money and some drugs were sent out when they were no longer on the prescription. There were also issues regarding combinations of drugs being prescribed without the necessary checks. It was agreed that the committee would support a review of prescriptions.


Members raised the question as to who this would need directing to. It was felt that this issue should be raised with the County Council Task and Finish Group.


RESOLVED:            1) That the issue regarding prescription drugs be passed to the Staffordshire County Council Health Scrutiny Committee

                                    2) That David Becket be thanked for his contribution