Agenda and minutes

Grants Assessment Panel - Monday, 17th September, 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 2AG. View directions

Contact: Peter Whalan 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest from Members on items included in this agenda


There were none.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 31 KB

To agree as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2012.


Resolved:-   (a)       That subject to the amendment requested by Councillor Stringer to minute No 3 (substitution of Kidsgrove Town Council for Audley Parish Council) the minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 11 June 2012 be approved as a correct record.


                        (b)       That in respect of resolution (e) to minute No 5 and for the reasons reported to the Committee, consideration of a further grant being awarded to Staffordshire Polish Day Care Centre be brought forward to the December 2012 meeting.


                        (c)        That in respect of resolution (b) to minutes No 6 the proposal by Audley Parish Council to spend the grant of £350 entirely on the Bateswood/Podmore Lane car park be supported.



Community Chest pdf icon PDF 23 KB


The Committee received a report advising of those Community Chest applications processed for the period April 2011 to August 2012.


Consideration was also given to an application made by Audley Parish Council in respect of tree planting and signage to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen.


Resolved:-   (a)       That the details of the applications received and processed during April 2011 to August 2012 be noted.


                        (b)       That the application submitted by Audley Parish Council be supported to a maximum of £500 and the applicants be advised to also apply to the Borough Council for a Green Grant.



Small Grants pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to six applications for financial assistance from the Small Grants Scheme.


Resolved:-   (a)       That the following grants be approved:-





North Staffs Special Adventure Playground

(Refurbishment of play area)




Challenge North Staffs

(Project to support vulnerable groups and victims of hate crime)




Newcastle Staffs Foodbank

(establishment of foodbank for Newcastle-under-Lyme)



                        (b)       That no grant be awarded in respect of the application submitted by Lifeworks Staffordshire and the applicants be recommended to contact the Library Service to discuss the possibility of them stocking books/dvds.


                        (c)        That consideration of the application submitted by Sandbourne Training and Development CIC be deferred to enable the applicants to provide additional information on a number of matters raised by the Committee including evidence of need for the project, links with other locally operated similar schemes, evidence of referrals from Jobcentre Plus and details of how the proposals will be delivered.


                        (d)       That no grant be awarded in respect of the application submitted by Sife Keele without prejudice to consideration of any further detailed application at a later date.


Cultural Grants pdf icon PDF 19 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered four applications for Cultural Grants:-


Resolved:-   (a)       That the following grants be awarded:-





North Staffs Sympathy Orchestra

(Support to annual Concert Programme for 2012-13




Marsh Hall Community Centre Users

(Living willow structure)



                        (b)       That no grant be awarded in respect of the application submitted by Cauldwell Children (Support to the Health Hullabaloo Programme).


                        (c)        That consideration of the application submitted by CEDARS be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee to enable the applicant to provide an update on the outcome of applications for financial assistance from other sources.


                        (d)       That the Friends of the Borough Museum and Art Gallery be advised that this Committee has no objection to the unspent balance of £70 from the grant of £705 awarded at the last meeting being used towards the cost of a craft fair at the Museum.



Date of Next Meeting


Resolved:-   That the next meeting of the Committee scheduled for Monday 10 December 2012 be moved to Tuesday 11 December 2012.