Agenda and minutes

Grants Assessment Panel - Monday, 4th March, 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs ST5 2AG

Contact: Peter Whalan 

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Councillors Mrs Cornes, Mrs Heames and Mrs Johnson


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest from Members on items included in this agenda.


Councillor Mrs Winfield declared an interest in a  Community Chest application for consideration as a friend of the applicant


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 31 KB

To agree as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2012.


Resolved:     That the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on Tuesday 11 December, 2012 be approved as a correct record.


Community Chest pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report informing Members of Community Chest applications received to date for 2012/13 and an Audit Report commissioned by the Panel at the December, 2012 meeting.


Councillor Miss Walklate in the Chair


Members agreed that, as this was the final Panel meeting for 2012/13, a late application from Ramsey Road Community Centre could be considered.


Resolved:-               (i)         That Ramsey Road Community Centre be

awarded a grant of £1000 as applied.


(ii)               That officers inform Ramsey Road Community

Centre that late applications would not be considered in the future.


Councillor Mrs Winfield in the Chair


(iii)             That the recommendations of the Audit Report be

accepted with a report being submitted by Officers

to the next meeting of the Panel.


(iv)              That a copy of the Audit Report be sent to Audley

Parish Council.


(v)                That Officers provide locally based bodies with advice regarding the Audit Report recommendations.


(vi)              That the Internal Audit section at the Borough Council be thanked for the report


(vii)            That locally based bodies that may have a budget underspend above 10% be encouraged and supported to ensure that this does not arise.


(viii)          That Officers be authorised to take persistent underspend into account when the Community Chest allocation for 2013/14 is arranged.


Small Grant Applications pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to fifteen applications for a Small Grant, including three deferred from previous meetings.


Resolved:- (i)           That the following grants be approved:


Organisation                                                                                                £

Sandbourne Training and Development CIC                                        238.20

Newcastle Fair Trade Group                                                                      360.00

Samaritans of Stoke and Newcastle                                                        1500.00

Betley and District Village Hall                                                                  1750.00

Moseley Railway Trust                                                                                2000.00

Gifted Workshops                                                                                        1950.00

Arch North Staffs                                                                                         1500.00

Keele University Students Union                                                             1000.00




(ii)          That no grants be awarded to Mow Cop residents Association; North Staffs Asperger and Autism Association; Newcastle under Lyme Friendship Centre; Butt Lane Community and Training Centre; 79th URC Scout Group; Disability Solutions; Newcastle District Scouts.


(iii)         The Green Grants report was noted.  Members agreed that Officers make recommendations for redeployment of any underspend, after discussions with the Chair, be put to Panel Members by email for approval.


(iv)         Consideration of the proposal regarding the Grants Appeals procedure to be deferred until the first panel meeting of 2013/14.


Cultural Grants pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to eight applications for a Cultural Grant.


Resolved:-   (i)         That the following grants be approved:-


Organisation                                                                                               £

Fit to Dance                                                                                       0550.00

The Daleian Singers                                                            1000.00

Penkhull Festival of Music and Art                                      0250.00

North Staffs Carers Association                                                     1500.00

Betley Amateur Theatrical Society (BATS)                                    1000.00

Action Apedale                                                                                 1000.00



In the case of the grant to Betley Amateur Theatrical Society, the applicant be asked to provide information regarding the involvement of young people in their activities, and be asked to ensure that opportunities for young people in the Betley area are available.


(ii)               That no grants be awarded to Recretaional Arts & Crafts and 21st Hartshill Scouts with both advised to consider Community Chest.


(iii)             That the £32.50 underspend be carried forward to the 2013/14 budget.


(iv)              That the proposed addition to the Cultural Grant criteria for 2013/14 to 2018/19 regarding the Centenary of the First World War proposed by Officers, be approved.  


Grants to Organisations Providing Services to Homeless People pdf icon PDF 44 KB


Consideration was given to a report detailing applications for grant aid received from organisations that provide services to homeless persons.


Resolved:-   (i)         That the following grants be approved:


Organisation                                                                                                            £

Arch North Staffs (Elizabeth House)                                                           2507.50

Gingerbread                                                                                                  5000.00

Salvation Amy                                                                                               4000.00

Brighter Futures (Smartmoves)                                                                   5000.00



The grant to Brighter Futures (Smartmoves) to be contingent on the eligibility criteria for access to the project being deemed acceptable by Officers.


(ii)               That the reasons stated in the Officer’s report, no grants be awarded to the Lyme Trust, Arch North Staffs (Julia House) (2 applications) and Newcastle and Kidsgrove Citizens Advice Bureau, with advice given on other funding options as appropriate.


(iii)             That Newcastle & Kidsgrove Citizens Advice Bureau be asked to provide feedback to Officers on the level of need in question as part of the quarterly monitoring for their contract through Third Sector Commissioning.


(iv)              That the outstanding balance in the budget of £992.50 be available for Housing Strategy Officers to provide support, in partnership with  voluntary organisations, for people at risk of homelessness due to welfare reform changes.