Venue: Astley Room - Castle. View directions
Contact: Geoff Durham
No. | Item |
MINUTE OF SILENCE Minutes: A minute of silence was observed in respect of the passing of the Mayor of Newcastle-under-Lyme, Cllr. Barry Panter.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on items included in this agenda
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest stated. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS To consider the minutes of the previous meeting(s) Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 21st January 2025 be agreed as a correct record. |
PREVIOUSLY CONSIDERED APPLICATIONS To receive the decisions of applications which have been previously considered by this Working Party
Minutes: Resolved: That the report on decisions relating to applications previously considered by this Working Party be received.
NEW APPLICATIONS RECEIVED To make observations on new applications received Additional documents:
Resolved: That the following observations be made:
Betley Court, Main Road, Betley 25/00006/FUL & 25/00007/LBC
The Working Party had no objections to the next phase of the works.
Prospect House, Main Road, Betley 24/00884/FUL & 24/00885/LBC
The Working Party objected to the proposal as conspicuous on this quietly important listed building which was modest and simple without fussy details. They considered that this choice of positioning was lazy and unsympathetic and did not preserve the significance of the building. The unit should be moved to a more considered and sympathetic location and any damage to the brickwork made good by an appropriately qualified builder.
Former Wilkos, Castle Walk, Newcastle 25/00030/ADV
The Working Party had no objections.
8 Brassington Street, Betley 25/00033/FUL
The Working Party objected to the design of the extension as too large, poor quality and inappropriate particularly on this elevation and for the existing character of the house which was simple and plain. The group considered that there was scope for an extension if properly designed. A two-storey gable extension would create a more balanced approach. |
CONSERVATION AND HERITAGE FUND To consider any applications for financial assistance from the Conservation and Heritage Fund which may have been brought to this meeting by the officer Minutes: There were no applications for funding. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |