Venue: Astley Room - Castle. View directions
Contact: Geoff Durham
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on items included in this agenda
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest stated. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS PDF 87 KB To consider the minutes of the previous meeting(s) Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 3 January, 2024, be agreed as a correct record. |
NEW APPLICATIONS RECEIVED PDF 17 KB To make observations on new applications received. Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved: That the following observations be made on the application listed below:-
The Bush Inn, High Street, Silverdale 24/00068/FUL
Members considered the application was an appropriate density with enough car parking but to fully assess the impact a streetscene section was required, given the different levels, rather than a section within the development. They welcomed the access coming from Ashbourne Drive and the brick section of wall within the proposal but felt given the importance of this grouping with the Sneyd terraces, the windows should ideally be timber.
Land at Slacken Lane, Stoke on Trent 24/00089/FUL
The group was disappointed with the quality of the development, unimaginative design and densification of the site. It was especially concerned that the development did not acknowledge the presence of the Listed farmhouse and the potential integration and relationship with this part of the wider site.
Market, High Street, Newcastle 23/00983/DEEM3
The group was supportive of the scheme but felt that the seating design was an important part of the streetscene in the town centre and a decision should be made to ensure it will be integral and sympathetic to the character of the town centre overall.
7 Pepper Street, Newcastle 24/00144/FUL
Members had no design objections to the alterations of the windows/doors.
7 Pepper Street, Newcastle 24/00117/FUL
Members had no objections to the demolition of the property but felt that the size of the openings was inappropriate for the location and the number of rooflights should be dramatically reduced as they were unnecessary and overly dominant. They also felt that the building could be redesigned to have limited number of openings on the frontage and more inward facing orientation perhaps with a light well and amenity space away from the street.
CONSERVATION AND HERITAGE FUND To consider any applications for financial assistance from the Conservation and Heritage Fund which may have been brought to this meeting by the officer Minutes: There were none. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Minutes: There was no Urgent Business. |