Agenda and minutes

Conservation Advisory Working Party - Tuesday, 20th August, 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 2AG. View directions

Contact: Geoff Durham 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Mr Colella.


Declarations of Interest

To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on items included in this agenda



Mr Redgewell and Mr Chatterton declared an interest for the Historic Building Grant for the Queen Victoria Statue as members of the Civic Society, who are applicants.


Minutes of previous meetings pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To agree as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 30 July, 2013


Resolved:-   That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 30 July 2013 be agreed as a correct record.


Previously Considered Applications pdf icon PDF 21 KB

To receive the decisions of applications which have been previously considered by this Working Party


Resolved:-   That the decisions on applications previously considered by this Working Party be received.


New Applications Received pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To make observations on new applications received.

Additional documents:


Resolved:-   That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


App No

Proposed development and name of applicant






Eversley, The Brampton.

Mr Hilton.

Single storey rear extension.

The Working Party has no objections to the proposal providing the bricks used in the extension are conditioned to ensure a good match to the existing house.





Whitmore Riding School, Shut Lane Head.

Mr G Richards.

Change of use of existing barn into single dwelling involving rebuilding of rear outrigger.

No objections to the proposal providing any new bricks required are an appropriate match to the outrigger.





Newcastle Bridge Club, 6 King Street, Newcastle.

Mr J Day.

Disabled access ramp and steps.

The Working Party were divided in their opinion on this application with some members objecting to the ramp on the grounds of harm being caused to the visual amenity of the area by the ramp in terms of its appearance in the Streetscene, interfering with the design of the historic building and in relation to its encroachment onto the highway and increasing street clutter in this location.  Other members, however, felt that this was no worse than the impact that Copthall House had on the appearance of the Conservation Area.



Application for Financial Assistance (Historic Buildings Grants) from the Conservation and Heritage Fund pdf icon PDF 22 KB

To consider any applications for financial assistance from the Conservation and Heritage Fund which may have been brought to this meeting by the officer

Additional documents:


(i)         Queen Victoria Statue


The Working Party expressed concerns over the fact that no contingency had been provided within the costs and if the work ended up with additional costs attached to contact the Civic Society who would have to find all of the additional amount.


Resolved:-   That the Working Party recommends that the Planning Committee approves the grant with a contingency subject to the appropriate standard conditions.


(ii)        Holy Trinity Church, Church Street, Chesterton (Ref 13/14/006/HBG)


Resolved:-   That the Working Party recommends that the Planning Committee approves a grant of £10,000 as proposed.


(iii)       4 Highway Lane, Keele (Ref 13/14/006//HBG)


Resolved:-   That the Working Party recommends that the Planning Committee approves a grant of £1,664 as proposed.