Agenda and minutes

Conservation Advisory Working Party - Tuesday, 28th May, 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 2AG. View directions

Contact: Geoff Durham 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received by Mrs C Henshaw.


Declarations of Interest

To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on items included in this agenda



There were none.


Minutes of previous meetings pdf icon PDF 23 KB

To agree as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2013.


Resolved:-   That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 14 May 2013 be agreed as a correct record.


Previously Considered Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To receive the decisions of applications which have been previously considered by this Working Party


Resolved:-   That the decisions on applications previously considered by this Working Party be received.


New Applications Received pdf icon PDF 30 KB

To make observations on new applications received.

Additional documents:


Resolved:-   That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


App No      

Proposed Development and Name of Applicant






Station House, Leycett Lane, Leycett.

Mr & Mrs I Kelsall.

Two storey rear extension, erection of rear veranda and associated alterations.

No objections.





Cooltrader, Castle Walk, Newcastle.

Mr Paul Stubley.

Illuminated fascia sign and projecting sign.

No objections but the Working Party noted that the sign had already been erected.




13/00358/LBC & 13/00359/ADV

John Pass, 12 Ironmarket, Newcastle.

Mr Glyn Morrey.

Removal of existing signage and replace with new signage (resubmission of 12/00704/LBC).

The Working Party objects to the erection of the second flag which is unauthorised and illegal.  Even the flag which has consent has not been located in exactly the position that was granted consent.  The second flag is unnecessary and adds clutter to the front elevation to the property due to the close proximity of both of the flags.  The clock which has consent was to be located at the opposite end of the shop frontage and therefore had more balance to the visual impact of the signage.  The retrospective applications show disregard for the process and should be refused as harmful to the special character of the Listed Building and Conservation Area.





Footpath, 5 King Street, Newcastle.

WHP (Wilkinson Helsby Projects) Ltd.

Telecommunications cabinet.

No objections.





Land adj 21 Ironmarket, Newcastle.

WHP (Wilkinson Helsby Projects) Ltd.

Telecommunications cabinet.

No objections in principle, but recommends that to reduce the impact of street clutter, and therefore visual harm and potential trip hazards, the cabinet should be located on the same side of the street as the existing cabinet.  This street has a lot of signage clutter and the cabinet has the potential to have a harmful impact on the character of the Conservation Area in this location.



Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 - Changing Heritage Protection in England pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To inform members of the new changes which have been enacted by Parliament by the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill which affect the way we protect heritage in England.


Resolved:-   That Members note the report.


Application for Financial Assistance (Historic Buildings Grants) From the Conservation and Heritage Fund pdf icon PDF 19 KB

To consider any applications for financial assistance from the Conservation and Heritage Fund which may have been brought to this meeting by the officer

Additional documents:


(i)         Old Vicarage, Mow Cop (Ref 13/14003/HBG)


Resolved:-   That the Working Party agree to the recommendation to award £2170.


(ii)               The Garden House, 21 Larchwood, Keele University (Ref 13/14002/HBG)


Resolved:-   That the Working Party agree to the recommendation to award £2890.


(iii)       Garden Wall at Roche House, 5 Court Walk, Betley (Ref 13/14004/HBG)


Resolved:-   That the Working Party agree to the recommendation to award £2285.


Audley Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Supplementary Document pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved:-   That the Working Party commend to the Planning Committee the Audley Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Supplementary Planning Document.


Urgent Business

To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972.


There was none.