Venue: Queen Elizabeth II & Astley Rooms - Castle House, Barracks Road, Newcastle, Staffs. ST5 1BL. View directions
Contact: Geoff Durham 742222 01782 742222
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on items included on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest stated. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) PDF 204 KB To consider the minutes of the previous meeting(s). Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November, 2022 be agreed as a correct record. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Revised recommendation proposed by Councillor Northcott and seconded by Councillor Fear Resolved: That, in the absence of photographs and information on the planning history on the site, the application be deferred to a future meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Gary White spoke on this application
Amended recommendation (Removal of Permitted Development Rights) proposed by Councillor Fear and seconded by Councillor John Williams. Resolved: (A) That, with respect to the application for listed building consent 21/01176/LBC
The application be permitted subject to the undermentioned conditions:
(i) Time limit for commencement of development (ii) Approved plans (iii) Work to be undertaken in accordance with the Repair Schedule unless otherwise agreed (iv) Prior approval of details of the methods of blocking up internal openings (v) Windows in the south elevation facing the M6 motorway shall be repaired and secondary glazing (not double glazing) shall be installed in accordance with details that are to be approved (vi) Further details of internal doors and window architraves where alterations are being made to be approved (vii) Details of repair work to existing windows and details of proposed new windows to be approved (viii) Before boiler house building is demolished details of the reinstatement of the rear conservatory/orangery wall to be approved (ix) Removal of permitted development rights for external buildings.
(B) That, with respect to the planning application 21/01175FUL
(1) Subject to the applicant first entering into a Section 106 obligation by the 27th January 2023 to secure a review mechanism of the scheme’s ability to make a more or fully policy compliant provision of affordable housing, if the development is not substantially commenced within 18 months from the date of the decision, if then found financially viable,
The application be permitted subject to the undermentioned conditions:
(i) Time limit (ii) Approved plans (iii) Prior approval of the position and appearance of cycle (to be secure and weatherproof) and bin stores (iv) Prior approval of details of the windows of the Mews (v) Details of screening around the conservatory/orangery (vi) Prior approval of surfacing materials for the internal roads, parking and turning areas (vii) Provision of access, internal roads, parking and turning areas prior to occupation and retention for the life of the development (viii) Landscaping to include replacement tree planting (ix) Tree protection measures (x) Contamination conditions (xi) Construction Environmental Management Plan (xii) Overheating (xiii) Glazing specification (xiv) Plant noise (xv) Lighting (xvi) Electric charging points.
(2) Failing completion of the planning obligation referred to in B(1) by the recommended date the Head of Planning be given delegated authority to either refuse the planning application on the grounds that in the absence of a secured planning obligation the development would not provide policy compliant affordable housing; or if he considers it appropriate, to extend the period of time within which the obligation can be secured.
This item includes a supplementary report. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Barry Panter spoke on this application
Resolved: That the application be permitted subject to the undermentioned conditions:
(i) Time limit condition (ii) Approved Plans (iii) Materials (iv) All works to be completed In accordance with the recommendations set out in the tree report (v) Replanting of hedgerows along the proposed passing place (vi) Soft Landscaping Scheme (vii) Restriction of any external lighting (viii) Restriction of camp site to 4 months of each year only (ix) No user of the site is to stay longer than 28 days at any one time and a register of all visitors/occupiers shall be maintained and made available to the LPA (x) Camp site to be for tents and for campervans that do not exceed 6m in length with no allowance for caravans (xi) Restriction to 64 camping pitches only (xii) No tents are to be on site outside of the approved operational times of the camp site (xiii) Details of any temporary toilet provision to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the LPA prior to the construction of the toilet block (xiv) Visibility splays from the site are to be provided in accordance with the submitted details and retained for the lifetime of the development (xv) Passing places to be installed within 6 months of the Permission
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Gary White spoke on this application
Resolved: That the variation of condition 2 of planning permission 21/00866/FUL to substitute approved plans with amended plans for new house types to Plots 16, 18, 22 and 28 along with revised engineering works in the rear gardens of Plots 3-5, be permitted.
and subject to all other conditions attached to planning permission 21/00866/FUL
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Gary White spoke on this application
Revised recommendation proposed by Councillor Fear and seconded by Councillor Dave Jones.
Resolved: That the application be permitted subject to the undermentioned conditions:
(i) Approved Plans (ii) Restriction on boundary treatments to the front and sides where adjacent to the highway.
Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved: That the application be refused for the following reason:
The development represents an unsustainable development due to the reliance on the use of private motor vehicles and inadequate pedestrian accessibility by virtue of the site’s location, and so is contrary to the guidance of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
5 BOGGS COTTAGE, KEELE. 14/00036/207C3 PDF 235 KB Minutes: Resolved: (i) That the information be received.
(ii) That a further update be brought to this Committee in two meetings time.
Minutes: |
LAND AT DODDLESPOOL, BETLEY. 17/00186/207C2 PDF 101 KB Minutes: Resolved: (i) That the information be received.
(ii) That a further update be brought to this Committee in two meetings time.
Minutes: Resolved: That the proposed additions to the Register, as set out in Section 2 of the agenda report, be agreed.
Additional documents:
Resolved: That Tree Preservation Order No 220 (2022), Land at Audley Pumping Station, Nantwich Road, Audley be confirmed with amendments and that the owners of the site be informed accordingly.
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972 Minutes: There was no Urgent Business. |
DISCLOSURE OF EXEMPT INFORMATION To resolve that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) because it is likely that there will be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1,2 and 3 in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There was no confidential business. |