Venue: Queen Elizabeth II & Astley Rooms - Castle House, Barracks Road, Newcastle, Staffs. ST5 1BL. View directions
Contact: Geoff Durham 742222 01782 742222
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on items included on the agenda. Minutes: The Chair declared an interest in application 21/1099/DOB – item 9 on the agenda as a Director on the Aspire Board. He would vacate the chair during consideration of this application. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) PDF 298 KB To consider the minutes of the previous meeting(s). Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 April, 2022 be agreed as a correct record. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved: (A). That, subject to the applicant first entering into a Section 106 obligation by the 15th July 2022 to secure undertakings to carry out earthworks to restore the land affected by former quarrying and to oblige the owner not to further implement a permission for clay extraction; a residential travel plan monitoring fee of £7,000; a management agreement for the long term maintenance for the open space on-site; a financial contribution of £140,000 towards the improvement and maintenance of off-site public open space and/ or Apedale Country Park; a financial contribution of £249,317 towards off-site Biodiversity enhancements; and a review mechanism of the scheme’s ability to make a more or fully policy compliant obligations, including the provision of affordable housing, if the development is not substantially commenced within 24 months from the date of the decision, and the provision of such affordable housing if then found financially viable,
The application be permitted subject to the undermentioned conditions:
(i) Standard time limit for commencement of development; (ii) Approved plans; (iii) Facing and roofing materials; (iv) Boundary treatments incorporating the recommendations of the County Ecologist; (v) Hardstandings; (vi) Provision of access, internal roads, private drives and parking areas; (vii) Surfacing materials and surface water drainage for the private drives and parking areas; (viii) The provision of a footway on the southern side of Apedale Road from the site access to the junction of Audley Road / Castle Street; (ix) Garages retained for vehicle parking; (x) Secure cycle storage; (xi) Electric vehicle charging provision; (xii) Residential Travel Plan Framework; (xiii) Highway & Environmental Construction Management Plan (CMP); (xiv) Tree protection measures; (xv) Prior approval and implementation of updated soft landscaping masterplan; (xvi) Prior approval of detailed plans for areas of open space and play equipment (xvii) Archaeological investigation and implementation; (xviii) Land contamination remediation; (xix) Ground gas investigations; (xx) Unexpected land contamination; (xxi) Prior approval of soil/ material importation; (xxii) Flood risk mitigation measures; (xxiii) Detailed surface water drainage scheme; (xxiv) Construction Environment and Ecology Management Plan; (xxv) 10 year Ecology and Landscape Mitigation and Management Plan (ELMMP); (xxvi) Provision of bat, bird boxes, swift bricks and sparrow terraces as per enhancements plan; (xxvii) Prior approval of external lighting; (xxviii) Waste storage and collection arrangements (xxix) Noise mitigation measures for plots 1-5 and plots 327- 30; (xxx) Noise management and mitigation measures during construction.
(B). Should the matters referred to in (B) above not be secured within the above period, then the Head of Planning be given delegated authority to refuse the application on the grounds that without such matters being secured the development would fail to secure sustainable development objectives, or, if he considers it appropriate, to extend the period of time within which the obligation can be secured.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That the application be permitted subject to the undermentioned conditions:
(i) Time limit condition, (ii) Approved Plans, (iii) Provision of access, car parking and cycle parking areas, (iv) Soft landscaping scheme, including tree replacement, and (v) Tree protection measures.
That the removal of condition 2 of planning permission 00/00566/FUL be permitted, subject to the following condition;
“Access 6 shall not be used by HGV’s, other than for the purposes of constructions works, until the works granted under planning permission 22/00183/FUL have been fully implemented in accordance with the approved plans.
Reason: In the interest of highway safety, in accordance with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021.”
and subject to the imposition of all other conditions attached to planning permission 00/00566/FUL that remain relevant at this time, amended as necessary.
Minutes: Members were advised that there was no update as such other than it was being dealt with by the Council’s legal team
Resolved: (i) That the information be received. (ii) That the item be brought back to committee in two meetings’ time.
SITE VISIT DATES FOR 2022/23 PDF 15 KB Minutes: |
LAND OFF ECCLESHALL ROAD, LOGGERHEADS. ASPIRE HOUSING. 21/01099/DOB PDF 139 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Northcott vacated the Chair and left the room.
Councillor Nick Crisp in the Chair
Resolved: That the application to modify the S106 agreement to allow staircasing to 100% of the market value and to remove the requirement for the shared ownership units to remain as affordable housing in perpetuity be approved.
Councillor Northcott in the Chair |
Minutes: Members were informed that this was a positive report and there were a couple of targets that had not been met. These were the performance on responding to pre-application requests and the percentage of enforcement complainants informed within the required timescale. However, performance had improved on the previous year.
The Chair agreed that this was a really positive report and thanked officers in the planning team for their hard work and their achievements. This was reiterated by Councillor Holland.
Resolved: (i) That the report be received.
(ii) That the Head of Planning and Development Manager seeks to Maintain and improve performance of the Development Management team (including the technical support team) to meet the targets.
(iii) That the ‘Mid-Year Development Management Performance Report 2022/23 be submitted to Committee reporting on performance achieved for the first half the complete year 2022/23.
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972 Minutes: There was no Urgent Business, however as this was Elaine Moulton’s final meeting, she was thanked for her hard work over the years and wished her all the best for the future. |