Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 26th August, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 2AG

Contact: Geoff Durham  01782 742227

No. Item




Apologies were received from Cllr Bates and Cllr White.


Declarations of Interest

To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on items included on the agenda.


Cllr Proctor declared an interest in item 4 on the agenda as he had been chair and vice chair of Audley Parish Council when previously considering the application.


Cllr Reddish declared an interest in item 5 on the agenda as the application was close to a church that she had ties with.


Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To receive the minutes of the previous meeting.


Resolved:       That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved with the inclusion of Cllr Stringer’s attendance.


Application for Major Development - CARDWAY BUSINESS PARK, LINLEY LANE, ALSAGER; CARDWAY LTD/KNIGHTS LLP; 348/213 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved:     That Cheshire East Council be advised that the Borough Council has no objections to the application.


Application for Minor Development - LAND REAR OF 24 to 36 HEATHCOTE ROAD, MILES GREEN; MILLWOOD HOMES; 14/00533/FUL pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


It was proposed that the condition recommended at number 4 in the report be strengthened to state that no fence be erected. This recommendation was seconded.


Members also recommended that the bin storage unit be repositioned.


Resolved:    That the application be permitted subject to the undermentioned conditions:


1.               Standard Time limit

2.               Approved plans/drawings/documents

3.               Approval of all external facing and roofing materials

4.               Details of all boundary treatments, with no fencing along the rear of Nos. 24-36 Heathcote Road.

5.               Details of all surfacing materials

6.               Landscaping scheme 

7.               Tree protection measures

8.               Development is undertaken in accordance with the recommendation of the Tree Quality Survey and Development Implications

9.               Provision of details relating the reconstruction of the site access

10.            Approval of proposed access surfacing materials

11.            Provision of the parking and turning areas

12.            Restricted use of the proposed garages

13.            Approval of any gates being proposed

14.            Approval of private highway signage

15.            Provision of a Construction Method Statement

16.            Provision of surface water interceptor

17.            Provision of waste and recyclable materials storage and collection areas in accordance with approved plans – to be repositioned further to the west.

18.            Hours of construction restriction 

19.            Report of unexpected contaminated land

20.            Prior approval of any importation of soil or waste

21.            Approval of details of surface and foul water disposal 

22.            No build within a 3 metre buffer either side of public sewer

23.            No deep rooted trees./ shrubs to be planted within the vicinity of the public sewer

24.            No surfaced water to discharge into the combined sewer

25.            Approval of finished floor levels which shall be set at a minimum of 130.75 AOD

26.            The erection of temporary protective fencing along the edge of the river corridor buffer zone during the course of the construction



Application for Other Development - GRASS VERGE ADJACENT TO THE SQUARE, PILKINGTON AVENUE; VODAFONE LTD; 14/00566/TDET pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:



1.    That prior approval be required.

2.    That prior approval be granted subject to a condition to the effect that permission cannot be taken advantage of if the scheme approved under 14/00243/DET were to be implemented.




Application for Other Development - 27 IRON MARKET; MR LINH; 14/00456/FUL pdf icon PDF 43 KB

Additional documents:




That the application be permited subject to the undermentioned conditions:


1.       Standard time limit.

2.       Approved plans

3.       Submission of materials

4.       Detailed joinery plans

5.       Colour of paint work


Appeal and Costs Decision - Maerfield Gate Farm; 14/00011/FUL pdf icon PDF 37 KB


Resolved:     That the decisions be noted.


Quarter 1 Report on Exercise of Authority to Extend Period of Time When Section 106 Obligations Can Be Entered Into pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:




a) That the report be noted


b) That the Head of Planning continue to report on a quarterly basis on the exercise of his authority, to extend the period of time for an applicant to enter into the Section 106 obligations.


Urgent Business

To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972


14/00476/FUL (Homestead, Brapton Road) and (St Quentin, Sandy Lane) 14/00543/FUL


Resolved: That a visit by the Planning Committee be undertaken with respect to planning applications  14/00476/FUL and 14/00453/FUL


Exclusion Resolution

To resolve that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the attached appendices, because it is likely that there will be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.



Resolved:     That the public be excluded.


Land at Doddlespool, Main Road, Betley - 13/00056/207C2




a)    That subject to:


i)             A valid planning application for the retention and completion of the unauthorised works being received by the 3rd September 2014


ii)            The hours of the associated lorry movements being within the time window of 8 a.m. to 4 pm Monday to Fridays only (and at no other time)


iii)           The industrial skips and fuel tank not being brought back onto the site;


The Council should take no formal enforcement action at this time.


b)   Should


i)             Either a valid planning application for the retention and completion of the works not be received by the 3rd September 2014, or


ii)            Associated lorry movements occur outside the above hours, or

The industrial skips and fuel tank be brought back onto the site;


The Head of Business Improvement, Central Services and Partnerships be authorised  and instructed to issue  an enforcement notice and to take and institute on behalf of the Council all such action and prosecution proceedings as are authorised by and under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the following;


i)          Removal of the portakabin within one month from the date of the Notice coming into effect,

ii)         Restrictions from the date of the Notice coming into effect, on hours of lorry movements to and from the site to between 8 a.m. and 4 pm Monday to Fridays only (and at no other time)

iii)        All activity associated with the engineering works, i.e. the vehicle movements, the removal of soil from the site, and the re-contouring of the site areas to cease after a period of no more than 2 years from the Date of the Notice coming into effect.


c)    That the Borough Council should invite other involved agencies to attend a multi-agency meeting to which the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee should be invited together with the ward members