Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 16th October, 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 2AG. View directions

Contact: Julia Cleary  01782 742227

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To consider the minutes of the previous meeting.


Resolved:     That the minutes of the meeting held on 18th September 2013 be agreed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest from Members  on items included in the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.


Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan Review pdf icon PDF 65 KB


a) That Cabinet suspend the preparation of the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan.


b) That a further report be submitted to the earliest available meeting of the Cabinet in order to receive the views of the Planning Committee and to receive an update on Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s formal stance in this matter.


c) That the financial implications of this report for 2014/15 to 2016/17 are addressed through a revised Medium Term Financial Strategy and the respective budget-setting processes.


A report was submitted requesting members to consider issues arising from the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan process. The report sought authority to prepare a new Local Plan for the borough as a whole or jointly with the City Council.


Resolved:     a) That Cabinet suspend the preparation of the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan.


b) That a further report be submitted to the earliest available meeting of the Cabinet in order to receive the views of the Planning Committee and to receive an update on Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s formal stance in this matter.


c) That the financial implications of this report for 2014/15 to 2016/17 are addressed through a revised Medium Term Financial Strategy and the respective budget-setting processes.



Medium Term Financial Strategy 2014 - 2015 pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2014/15 to 2018/19 be approved.


(b)       That the report be referred to the Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee for comment.


A report was submitted providing the background on the financial strategy for the Council over the next five years in the light of the national and local financial situation and taking account of the Council’s priorities.


Resolved:     (a)       That the Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2014/15 to 2018/19 be approved.


 (b)      That the report be referred to the Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee for comment.


Corporate Cleaning Services pdf icon PDF 69 KB


a)         That cabinet approve the proposals outlined in Option Three of the report for a review of the current mix of in-house and external cleaning arrangements at the council and to implement the changes identified in that option.


b)         That cabinet support the actions outlined in the report which indicate savings to be generated from revised cleaning product procurement methods.


c)         That a further report be brought forward on behalf of the Executive Management Team to consider the potential for the future development of corporate cleaning services at the borough council.



Cabinet received a report informing it of a review of corporate cleaning services and suggesting proposals which would introduce new and revised value-for-money arrangements.


Resolved:     a)         That cabinet approve the proposals outlined in Option Three of the report for a review of the current mix of in-house and external cleaning arrangements at the council and to implement the changes identified in that option.


b)         That cabinet support the actions outlined in the report which indicate savings to be generated from revised cleaning product procurement methods.


c)         That a further report be brought forward on behalf of the Executive Management Team to consider the potential for the future development of corporate cleaning services at the borough council.



Kidsgrove Town Centre Community Interest Company pdf icon PDF 35 KB


a)            That Cabinet endorse the Borough Council becoming a corporate director of the Kidsgrove Town Centre Community Interest Company and that Councillor Mrs Elsie Bates is nominated to the Board.


b)         That £10,000 be allocated to the Kidsgrove Town Centre Community Interest Company for the delivery of its emergent action plan, subject to the completion of a Service Level Agreement and an agreed arrangement for draw-down of defrayed or committed expenditure.



A report was submitted to update Members on the progress of the establishment of a Kidsgrove Town Centre Community Interest Company and Council support for this.


Resolved:     a)         That Cabinet endorse the Borough Council becoming a corporate director of the Kidsgrove Town Centre Community Interest Company and that Councillor Mrs Elsie Bates is nominated to the Board.


b)         That £10,000 be allocated to the Kidsgrove Town Centre Community Interest Company for the delivery of its emergent action plan, subject to the completion of a Service Level Agreement and an agreed arrangement for draw-down of defrayed or committed expenditure.



Multi Functional Device (MFD) Contract pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


a)         That Cabinet notes the efficiencies and savings relating to the multi-functional device contract at the borough council.


b)         That Cabinet agree in principle to extending the contract with the current multi-functional device supplier in line with agreed procedures.


c)         That cabinet authorise the Head of Communications to negotiate the terms of the contract extension up to a maximum of two years.


d)         That the Portfolio holder for Communications, Policy and Partnerships be consulted before any extension is agreed.


To inform Cabinet of efficiencies and savings from the multi-functional device contract and to seek permission to extend the contract in line with agreed procedures.


Resolved:     a)         That Cabinet notes the efficiencies and savings relating to the multi-functional device contract at the borough council.


b)         That Cabinet agree in principle to extending the contract with the current multi-functional device supplier in line with agreed procedures.


c)         That cabinet authorise the Head of Communications to negotiate the terms of the contract extension up to a maximum of two years.


d)         That the Portfolio holder for Communications, Policy and Partnerships be consulted before any extension is agreed.


Keele Golf Centre pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


a)         That members accept the outcome of the bidding process and the offer from Company B for a new 25 year full repairing and insuring lease containing options to break with rent based upon a percentage of turnover.


b)         That officers be authorised to complete a new lease with Company B on the terms summarised both within the report and at Appendix 3 (the appendix is not for publication as it contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Part I of the Local Government Act 1972).


C)        That the decision to extend the interim management and maintenance arrangements be noted.


A report was submitted to obtain Cabinet’s decision on the selection of a new operator and approval to the grant of a new lease of the golf centre at Keele on the terms outlined in this report.


Members noted that the matter had been the subject of detailed scrutiny and Cabinet thanked Members who had been involved in this scrutiny process for their hard work.


Resolved:     a)         That members accept the outcome of the bidding process and the offer from Company B for a new 25 year full repairing and insuring lease containing options to break with rent based upon a percentage of turnover.


b)         That officers be authorised to complete a new lease with Company B on the terms summarised both within the report and at Appendix 3 (the appendix is not for publication as it contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Part I of the Local Government Act 1972).


C)        That the decision to extend the interim management and maintenance arrangements be noted.


Duty to Cooperate Protocol with Stafford Borough Council pdf icon PDF 23 KB


Resolved:     That Cabinet note that the Executive Director for Regeneration and Development had taken urgent action to agree and sign a Protocol, countersigned by the portfolio holder for Economic, Development, Regeneration and Town Centres, demonstrating the duty to cooperate between Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council and Stafford Borough Council and that this has been submitted to Stafford Borough for inclusion in their Duty to Cooperate Statement to form part of the evidence supporting the Submission version of  ‘The Plan for Stafford Borough’ Examination in Public. 


A report was submitted to advise Members, that on behalf of the Council and with regard to the council’s ‘general instructions’ relating to matters of urgency, the Executive Director for Regeneration and Development and the portfolio holder for Economic Regeneration and Town Centres, had a) agreed and; b) signed a Protocol between Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council and Stafford Borough Council, demonstrating the duty to cooperate, pursuant to section 33A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, 2004, for submission to the Examination in Public of ‘The Plan for Stafford Borough.’ (Stafford Borough’s Core Strategy).

Resolved:     That Cabinet note that the Executive Director for Regeneration and Development had taken urgent action to agree and sign a Protocol, countersigned by the portfolio holder for Economic, Development, Regeneration and Town Centres, demonstrating the duty to cooperate between Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council and Stafford Borough Council and that this has been submitted to Stafford Borough for inclusion in their Duty to Cooperate Statement to form part of the evidence supporting the Submission version of  ‘The Plan for Stafford Borough’ Examination in Public.