Issue - meetings

Former Keele Golf Course

Meeting: 23/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Former Keele Golf Course pdf icon PDF 57 KB


a)         That officers be authorised, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s), to undertake a community consultation exercise (for the purpose of informing the master plan) for a period of 8 weeks for initial expressions of interest, this timescale could then be extended to enable these expressions of interest to be expanded upon. The aim of the consultation would be to establish the potential scope for some form of community recreation use of the site in whole or in part on the basis described in the report and that the outcome reported back to the earliest available Cabinet meeting.


b)         That in parallel with recommendation (a), officers be authorised to procure the most economically advantageous arrangement for short term grounds maintenance in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder.


c)         That officers be authorised to agree, in principle, the terms and scope of a brief with relevant land owners to commission a master-planning exercise in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder, and reported back to Cabinet for approval.


d)         That the financial resources required as the Council’s contribution to the master-planning exercise be sought in accordance with current Financial Regulations.



A report was submitted to provide members with information about the outcome of a marketing exercise which sought to identify a range of potential options for the interim use of the former Keele Golf Course for a period of up to three years and to seek a decision from members about their preferred option for implementation. The report also sought to seek Member’s approval to proposed actions relating to the previously agreed master-planning process.


Cllr Naylon had submitted the following questions:


1) The period of time offered for 'interim use' of the golf course has been set for three years. This is widely regarded as far too short for any body, company or institution to be able to offer anything much of value to the local community.


The task of reclaiming the land into any sort of useable condition could possibly take up at least half of that three years allowing very little time left to make headway with any new initiatives let alone any possibility of covering the costs of restitution of the abandoned hectares.


 Could Cabinet re-consider this?


2) Could the local community be made aware of which 'local landowners' have been or will be consulted on the 'master plan' If this cannot be disclosed at this meeting can we know why?


The relevant portfolio holders responded:


That Cabinet could consider extending the 3 year period but there was a risk that this could prejudice any long term use of the site if any interim use became established.


In relation to the master plan discussions had been held with local landowners and a report would be brought to a later meeting. No agreements or deals had yet been made; the discussions had only been to establish a level of interest from local landowners.


Members reiterated that the reason for the recommendations was to return the property to use, thereby alleviating holding and other costs for a period of three years whilst a comprehensive master planning exercise was undertaken and concluded.


A Member queried whether the 6 week consultation period could be extended. The Executive Director (Regeneration and Planning) stated that this consultation exercise would inform the master plan and in that case yes the time scales could be extended if necessary. The Leader stated that he was prepared to extend the timescale provided that representations were not left until the last minute and that draft suggestions were put forward as soon as possible.





a)         That officers be authorised, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s), to undertake a community consultation exercise (for the purpose of informing the master plan) for a period of 8 weeks for initial expressions of interest, this timescale could then be extended to enable these expressions of interest to be expanded upon. The aim of the consultation would be to establish the potential scope for some form of community recreation use of the site in whole or in part on the basis described in the report and that the outcome reported back  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5