Issue - meetings

Creating a Local Authority Owned Trading Company

Meeting: 23/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Creating a Local Authority Owned Trading Company pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


a)         That Cabinet approves establishing a local authority trading company which will be limited by shares and owned wholly by the council.


b)         That Cabinet approves the governance and board membership proposals outlined in the business case.





The Council Leader introduced a report seeking Cabinet approval to formally establish a wholly owned trading company for communications services.


The formation of the company would allow the council to explore trading in a way that maximised the potential of its resources as well as contributing to the medium term financial planning and wider efficiency agenda.


It was confirmed that there would be no job losses or degradation in the terms and conditions of the staff currently employed by the Council.




a)         That Cabinet approves establishing a local authority trading company which will be limited by shares and owned wholly by the council.


b)         That Cabinet approves the governance and board membership proposals outlined in the business case.