Issue - meetings

Grant Funding Review Report

Meeting: 23/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Terms of Reference for the Grants Assessment Panel pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Additional documents:


a)    That Cabinet request the Constitution Working Group to include the terms of Reference for the Grants Assessment Panel on its work plan prior to it being submitted to Full Council for inclusion in the Constitution.


b)    That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Localism to make decisions in relation to the following grants:


           Community Chest, if required.

           Cultural Grants.

           Homelessness Grants.

           Small Grants.

           Other grants schemes as mandated by Cabinet.


c)    That the portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Localism be appointed as Chair of the Grants Assessment Panel.




A report was submitted in relation to the terms of reference of the Grants Assessment Panel which were last submitted to the Cabinet for agreement in 2007 following a review of the Borough wide Community Chest Scheme.


The report sought to clarify the standing of the Grants Assessment Panel as a Cabinet Panel and to ensure that the appropriate delegations of authority are in place.




1.         That the terms of Reference for the Grants Assessment Panel be agreed and that Cabinet request the Constitution Working Group consider them for inclusion in the Council’s Constitution.


2.         That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Localism to make decisions in relation to the following grants:


           Community Chest, if required.

           Cultural Grants.

           Homelessness Grants.

           Small Grants.

           Other grants schemes as mandated by Cabinet.


3.         That the portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Localism be appointed as Chair of the Grants Assessment Panel.