Issue - meetings

Revision of the Corporate Complaints, Comments and Compliments Policy

Meeting: 23/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Revision of the Corporate Complaints,Comments and Compliments Policy pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Additional documents:


That Cabinet approve the revisions to the Corporate Complaints, Comments and Compliments Policy.




A report was submitted to seek Cabinet approval of the revisions to the Council’s Corporate Complaints, Comments and Compliments Policy.


The existing Corporate Complaints, Comments and Compliments (3Cs Policy) has been in place since 2008. A review had been undertaken and as a result the Policy had been revised and updated to ensure it continued to incorporate best practice and guidance from the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO).


There were elements of the new Regulator’s Code, April 2014 that affected local authorities’ complaints processes and therefore need to be incorporated into this Policy. The revisions were hoped to improve the robustness of the Council’s 3Cs Policy.


The Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Business and Town Centres stated that all the changes were highlighted in italics in the attached appendix and highlighted them to members.




That Cabinet approve the revisions to the Corporate Complaints, Comments and Compliments Policy.

