Issue - meetings

Keele Golf Centre

Meeting: 05/03/2014 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Keele Golf Centre pdf icon PDF 110 KB

We wish to point out an error in the report in relation to the Izaac Walton Golf Course. We confirm that the Izaac Walton Golf Course is open and apologise for any inconvenience we may have caused by reporting otherwise.’


Additional documents:


a)    That officers be authorised to engage with nearby/adjacent land owners with a view to jointly commissioning a comprehensive master-planning exercise, involving Borough Council owned land in the area in order to establish the most appropriate long term use for the Keele Golf Course site.

b)    That officers report back on the outcome of the land owner engagement process and to seek approval for a two stage master planning exercise beginning with a scoping report to identify its physical parameters, with any budgetary approval being sought from Council as necessary.

c)    That officers be authorised to undertake a limited maintenance regime on the basis described in the report until the outcome of the master planning exercise is known.

d)    That officers be authorised to undertake security measures described in the report.

e)    That officers be authorised to see expressions of interest in some form(s) of interim use for a period of up to three years.

f)     That officers keep under review the holding costs attributed to the Keele Golf Course and take all appropriate steps to minimise the same.

g)    That a wider, broader leisure use be kept in mind.










Consideration was given to a report on the future use and/or development of the Keele Golf Course.  Members were informed that only one complaint had been received with regard to its closure.  The buildings had been secured and services had been cut off.


RMW Golf who had been selected to take a 25 year lease of the site were now unable to carry out the project and therefore medium to long term arrangements needed to be sought.


Members examined the long-list options analysis matrix and the areas that had been shortlisted.  However, it was important not to rule out other community uses and leisure facilities and not to concentrate on another golfing facility. Further, the interim usage would have to take into consideration any future long term proposals in order not to damage the site to excess. 




a)    That officers be authorised to engage with nearby/adjacent land owners with a view to jointly commissioning a comprehensive master-planning exercise, involving Borough Council owned land in the area in order to establish the most appropriate long term use for the Keele Golf Course site.

b)    That officers report back on the outcome of the land owner engagement process and to seek approval for a two stage master planning exercise beginning with a scoping report to identify its physical parameters, with any budgetary approval being sought from Council as necessary.

c)    That officers be authorised to undertake a limited maintenance regime on the basis described in the report until the outcome of the master planning exercise is known.

d)    That officers be authorised to undertake security measures described in the report.

e)    That officers be authorised to see expressions of interest in some form(s) of interim use for a period of up to three years.

f)      That officers keep under review the holding costs attributed to the Keele Golf Course and take all appropriate steps to minimise the same.

g)    That a wider, broader leisure use be kept in mind.