Issue - meetings

Local Plan Update

Meeting: 05/03/2014 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Local Plan Update pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


1)    That Cabinet agree to the draft work programme for the production of the joint Local Plan, set out in the report. 


2) That Cabinet agree to the creation of a Joint Advisory Group to support the delivery of the joint Local Plan and that in the interests of expediency the determination of the membership and terms of reference for the Joint Advisory Group be delegated to the Director of  Regeneration and Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Assets.


3)    That Cabinet agree to the preparation of a joint Statement of Community Involvement with Stoke-on-Trent City Council.




A report on the proposed Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke on Trent Local Plan Programme was considered by Members. The Plan was in draft form and it was hoped to be signed off and published by the third quarter of 2016.


The list of the eight key stages of the Joint Local Plan were examined and Members were given an update on the formal stance of Stoke on Trent City Council.


A Joint Advisory Group would be created with an equal cross party membership and the relevant officers.  Its purpose would be to ensure its delivery rather than the content of the Plan.


Councillor John Williams, portfolio holder for Planning and Assets, stressed that all political parties should be involved in this process with all Members examining the Plan in respect of their Ward.  This would help to make the Plan a success for the future of the Borough.


Councillor Terry Turner, portfolio holder for  Economic Regeneration, Business and Town Centres,  congratulated the officers who had achieved the Local Plan in a short space of time.





1)    That Cabinet agree to the draft work programme for the production of the joint Local Plan, set out in the report. 


2)           That Cabinet agree to the creation of a Joint Advisory Group to support the delivery of the joint Local Plan and that in the interests of expediency the determination of the membership and terms of reference for the Joint Advisory Group be delegated to the Director of  Regeneration and Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Assets.


3)    That Cabinet agree to the preparation of a joint Statement of Community Involvement with Stoke-on-Trent City Council.