Issue - meetings

Kidsgrove Sports Centre

Meeting: 23/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Kidsgrove Sports Centre pdf icon PDF 61 KB


 (a)      That Cabinet approves the approach in principle to providing quality sports facilities in Kidsgrove as outlined.


(b)       That cabinet requests the Active and Cohesive Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise the business cases for the options outlined in the report and report back to Cabinet with a preferred option.


(c)        That the Scrutiny Committee be asked to place particular emphasis on the strategic demand for leisure facilities in the area, partner involvement, capital and revenue funding issues and potential funding sources.





The Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Localism introduced a report to enable the Council to set out its approach to developing sports and leisure facilities for Kidsgrove that were fit for the 21st century and provided an opportunity for the Kidsgrove community to access high quality facilities that were designed, built, operated and financed in a sustainable way.


Leisure facilities, and in particular swimming pool provision was important to residents of the Borough to ensure people had access to opportunities to maintain a healthy, fit and active lifestyle. If the recommendations were approved then Kidsgrove would continue to have access to modern swimming and fitness facilities, where otherwise there would be a significant gap in provision.




(a)       That Cabinet approves the approach in principle to providing quality sports facilities in Kidsgrove as outlined.


(b)       That cabinet requests the Active and Cohesive Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise the business cases for the options outlined in the report and report back to Cabinet with a preferred option.


(c)        That the Scrutiny Committee be asked to place particular emphasis on the strategic demand for leisure facilities in the area, partner involvement, capital and revenue funding issues and potential funding sources.