Issue - meetings

Case Managment Policy for Councillors - Unacceptable Behaviour & Actions by Members of the Public

Meeting: 05/03/2014 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Case Management Policy for Councillors - Unacceptable Behaviour & Actions by Members of the Public pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


That the Case Management Policy for Councillors be approved.


A Case Management Policy for Councillors – Unacceptable Behaviour and Actions by Members of the Public was presented to Members.  A current Policy, approved in 2013 provided guidance for staff but did not specifically cover Councillors.


The Policy would provide guidance and support on how to deal with members of the public who display unacceptable behaviour and actions.


The document was welcomed by Members and a request was made to include the subject in the New Members Induction Programme.


Resolved:-              That the Case Management Policy for Councillors be approved.