Issue - meetings

Asset Management Strategy 2014-2017

Meeting: 06/02/2014 - Economic Development and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee (Item 3)

3 Call In - Asset Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 28 KB

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A request for a call-in had been submitted in relation to the decision made by Cabinet at the meeting held on 15th January 2014 regarding the Asset Management Strategy. 


Members of the Committee listened to the arguments put forward by the lead call in member including the reasons for the call in and justification for the proposal set out on the call-in form.


The main grounds for the Call-in were:


·        That the decision was inconsistent with a previous Overview and Scrutiny recommendation, which had been accepted by the Council or the Cabinet.


·        That the decision had or would demonstrate a significant adverse public reaction.


The Lead Call In Members stated that the process needed to be clear and open and that lessons had to be learnt from the 2011 NDP process that had resulted in the removal of specific sites from the strategy. It was stated that all Council owned land should be included and that there should be a clear system of prioritisation based on sound financial reasoning.


Concern was also raised regarding a decision in principal being made by Cabinet prior to any public consultation taking place.


The Portfolio Holder stated that as this was only a decision in principle, the real process including full public consultation was now due to commence and that it was this process that would result in the full list of sites including costs, plans and timetables.


It was thought that the information currently available on the sites was vague and that additional information was required by ward councillors and residents such as whether the sites were Greenfield or Brownfield. It was stated that this information was available and would be provided to ward councillors. It was also confirmed that the list included all brownfield sites that were suitable at this time.


There was a general agreement and understanding that land had to be sold by the Council but some members were still concerned regarding the selection process in relation to the chosen sites and this needed to be made open to Members and the public.


A vote was taken and 5 members voted in favour of the call in and 6 members rejected the call in.


Resolved:     That the call-in be rejected and the decision made by Cabinet at the meeting held on 15th January 2014 take immediate effect.

Meeting: 15/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 23)

23 Asset Management Strategy 2014-2017 pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


That Members approve the Asset Management Strategy (2014- 2017).


The Council’s Capital Strategy and Asset Management Strategy were key documents evidencing the Council’s approach to its Use of Resources.  This Strategy provided a clear framework for understanding the value and condition of property owned by the Council so that, in turn, investment decisions could be taken to optimise the use of the said land/property to meet the needs of the Borough’s residents, businesses and visitors.  This Strategy along with the Council’s Capital Strategy sought to demonstrate alignment with, and delivery of, the Council’s ambitions as set out in the Council Plan.


The Strategy had already been considered by the Economic Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the comments from the Committee were read out.


The Chair welcomed Cllr Simon Tagg to the meeting. Cllr Tagg stated that in general he considered large parts of the plan to be sound but that he had concerns regarding an apparent lack of public consultation to date.


The portfolio Holder stated that the consultation had not yet started and that any proposals for development would have to be to a very high standard and that all the comments from Cllr Tagg would be taken into consideration.


Members discussed the issue of borrowing should the sale of assets not be agreed. The executive Director outlined the costs associated with borrowing.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and resources stated that he would also explore the possibility of the creation of sink funds.




That Members approve the Asset Management Strategy (2014- 2017).