Issue - meetings

Staffordshire Local Authorities Commissioning and Procurement of a Home Improvement Service

Meeting: 17/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Staffordshire Local Authorities Commissioning and Procurement of a Home Improvement Service pdf icon PDF 52 KB




(a)        That a Participation Agreement be signed with the County Council to enable them to procure the services of a Home Improvement Agency for Newcastle.


(b)        That the Executive Director for Regeneration and Development be authorised in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder to agree any minor alterations to the specification and to approve the preferred tender.


(c)        That the existing contract with Revival Home Improvement Agency be extended beyond March 2014 until the new service provision commences.


(d)        That the Leader of this Council write to the Leader of Staffordshire County Council highlighting the points raised at this meeting.



A report was submitted to seek Cabinet approval to the participation of the Council in the procurement of a county wide Home Improvement Agency through a Partnership Agreement, to deliver Supporting People Services and Enhanced Support, including assistance to residents to enable them to repair, adapt or improve their homes.


The Council had utilised the local Home Improvement Agency, Revival for many years to support vulnerable residents to repair their homes and specifically with adaptations through the Disabled Facilities Grants programme. It was appropriate that the Council sought to secure the services through competitive tender to ensure good quality services were offered efficiently. The report outlined the options for procuring the services and the views of the Economic Development and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee to procure with the potential benefits of the working in partnership with the County Council.


The Scrutiny Committee were in agreement with the recommendations as it would be beneficial to have both the advice and service elements of the scheme in one place. Concerns had however been raised regarding whether if another local authority was providing more business for the scheme, it may be given precedence regarding how quickly work was carried out and that safeguards would have to be put in place to avoid this occurring. It was also suggested that not for profit agencies be looked at where possible as this was the situation with the current provider who was considered to be doing a very good job.


Officers stated that there was a Governance Board with a District Representative on to help safeguard against the concerns raised by the Committee. Officers would look into whether a greater weighting in the tendering process could be given to a not for profit organisation. It was also agreed that regular monitoring report would be provided to Cabinet regarding the process. Members agreed that it was vital to get the right provider and the right people in place and that finances should not take precedent over this.


It was thought that a decision by the County Council regarding this issue was imminent and the Leader agreed that he would write to the County Leader highlighting the points raised.


It was also agreed that care had to be take to maintain continuity at present with the current providers who were now providing an excellent service as and indications that their contract may be ending could lead to decreased take up of the scheme.





(a)        That a Participation Agreement be signed with the County Council to enable them to procure the services of a Home Improvement Agency for Newcastle.


(b)        That the Executive Director for Regeneration and Development be authorised in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder to agree any minor alterations to the specification and to approve the preferred tender.


(c)        That the existing contract with Revival Home Improvement Agency be extended beyond March 2014 until the new service provision commences.


(d)        That the Leader of this Council write to the Leader of Staffordshire County Council highlighting the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11