Issue - meetings

Urban North Staffs Green Space Strategy Annual Progress Report

Meeting: 17/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Urban North Staffs Green Space Strategy Annual Progress Report pdf icon PDF 39 KB

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That the report be received and progress noted.




A report was submitted to inform Members of progress made with the implementation of the Urban North Staffordshire Green Space Strategy and the associated Action Plan.



The Strategy promoted the environmental, economic and social benefits which green space brings to parallel strategic regeneration initiatives and to the Council’s corporate priorities and core values.  The Strategy demonstrated how good quality green space supportsed economic regeneration and provided opportunities for people to live a healthy and active lifestyle in a clean and safe environment.  It also demonstrated the positive impact green space had on carbon reduction.


The Strategy aimed to ensure that the residents of the Borough had the right amount of green space to cater for their needs in terms of parks, play, sport, nature and green routes.  The Strategy sought to provide these sites in places which were accessible and easy to reach for as many people as possible and by grouping facilities together into larger, multi-functional high quality green spaces.


In the last five years a total of over £4.1 million in external funding has been secured towards delivering the projects in the Action Plan and a number of key capital development projects had been completed or were in progress to provide and improve community green space provision. Consultation had also been carried out with resident regarding the use of surplus green space assets.


The Portfolio Holder for Environmnet and Recycling stated that the Council was proud of its Green Flag awards and was looking to the results of the Britain in Bloom competition which were expected in September. Attention was also drawn to the 8000 hours of voluntary help  which residents had provided, equaling £100,000 in monetary terms.


The Leader commended the willingness of resisdent to particiate and volunteer.


Resolved:      That the report be received and progress noted.