Issue - meetings

Scale of Fees and Charges 2014/15

Meeting: 22/01/2014 - Finance, Resources and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

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The Executive Director for Resources and Support Services confirmed that the report had been considered by Cabinet on 15th January 2014.


Members highlighted the charges in relation to pre planning advice and stated that these would have to be implemented sensibly. It was agreed that this comment be taken back to the Leader as it was thought that home owners were entitled to 30 minutes of free planning advice.


Members were pleased that there was no plan to increase car parking fees and feedback in relation to the double ticketing appeared very favourable.


There was some confusion in relation to the collection charges on the restricted appendix. A written response would be provided to clarify these charges.


Resolved:     (a)      That the report be received.


(b)       That clarification be sought in relation to the charges listed on the restricted appendix.

Meeting: 15/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 25)

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That the fees and charges proposed to apply from 1 April 2014, as set out in Appendix 1and 4 be approved and be submitted to the Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee for comment.


A report was submitted to obtain approval for the proposed scale of fees and charges to apply from 1 April 2014.




That the fees and charges proposed to apply from 1 April 2014, as set out in Appendix 1and 4 be approved and be submitted to the Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee for comment.