Issue - meetings

Sport and Active Lifestyles Strategy

Meeting: 10/12/2014 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Sport and Active Lifestyles Strategy pdf icon PDF 58 KB


Consideration was given to a report requesting Cabinet’s approval on the Sport and Active Lifestyles Strategy (SALS) Development.


The development of a SALS was required to lead towards healthy and active lifestyles for residents of the Borough.


Councillor Mrs Naylon asked ‘What was the timetable for the production of the SALS and how could members be involved in the process of the policy proposal?


The Portfolio Holder advised that the final draft for the strategy would be completed by November 2015 and would go to Cabinet in December, 2015.  Mrs Naylon was advised that  Members and stakeholders would be involved in the process – especially in the Community Review Assessmewnt.


Resolved:-              (i)       That it be acknowledged that physical inactivity is a

high risk factor in many of the Borough’s communities,

as identified in the Borough Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


(ii)            That the many benefits for health and wellbeing of physical activity be recognised and increased levels of physical activity be promoted.


(iii)           That the establishment of an officer project group to develop the Sport and Active Lifestyles Strategy (SALS) for the Borough, which will provide regular progress reports to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Localism be agreed.